As people begin to see how they have been lied to aboutthe safety and effectiveness of these drugs and attempt tocome off the drugs, what will the end result be? Kim Crespi, who lives near Charlotte, NC learned of antidepressant withdrawal all too painfully on January 20,2006 when her husband David, a good strong Christian andwonderful husband and father, who was also a vice presidentof the bank, stabbed their twin four year old daughters todeath.
David was in abrupt withdrawal from Paxil and hadjust started taking Prozac. He and Kim were not aware thatthe FDA had just warned the year before that any abruptchange in dose of an antidepressant, whether going up ordown (he had just done both), can produce suicide,hostility, or psychosis - generally a manic psychosisleading to a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. Is it anywonder that the diagnosis of Bipolar has increased by 4000%over a recent 10 year period when it was basically unheardof before SSRI antidepressants?
David was in abrupt withdrawal from Paxil and hadjust started taking Prozac. He and Kim were not aware thatthe FDA had just warned the year before that any abruptchange in dose of an antidepressant, whether going up ordown (he had just done both), can produce suicide,hostility, or psychosis - generally a manic psychosisleading to a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. Is it anywonder that the diagnosis of Bipolar has increased by 4000%over a recent 10 year period when it was basically unheardof before SSRI antidepressants?
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