Thursday, February 21, 2008

Does serotonin affect spirituality?

Antidepressants work by increasing levels of theneurotransmitter serotonin. But 50% of the serotonin ismetabolized by the pineal gland. What is the pineal gland?It is the master gland of the body known as the "seat ofthe soul" or our connection to higher, spiritual thoughts.In Eastern religions it is known as the Third Eye and islocated right in the center of the brain.
The question we need to ask is that if the Pineal gland isoverloaded with large amounts of serotonin produced bythese drugs, does it interfere with that spiritualconnection? According to patients using these drugs itdoes! They continually report that they can no longer feelGod. One perfect example that comes to mind is that ofElizabeth Bush, the 14-year-old girl who shot her bestfriend at the private Catholic school they attended.
Elizabeth's hero in life was Mother Theresa. Elizabethplanned to devote her life to God and become a nun. So howdid she go from that point to a charge of attempted murderalmost overnight? I called her attorney when this happenedand told him what happened was likely the result of the useof one of these antidepressants. He did not show muchinterest, but said he would check. Then the following weekElizabeth was interviewed on 20/20 where she made thestatement that she could "no longer feel God anymore."

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