Wednesday, February 27, 2008

: It has just all-around been an EXCITING experience!

Dr. Malkmus, After picking up your book, God's Way to Ultimate Health, in our local Health Food store in late September, my husband and I made the commitment to do a 90- day trial. As skeptical as I was, we made the diet change October 1, 2007. After only one month on the diet, between the two of us, here is what we wrote down as the changes we noticed: SLEEP LIKE A BABY (so sound and refreshing); MORE ENERGY; LOSS OF JOINT PAIN IN THUMB, KNEE, SHOULDERS, HANDS NO LONGER STIFF OR NUMB IN THE MORNING; SKIN SOFTER; BREAST LUMPS HAD DISAPPEARED; ECZEMA GONE; SOME WEIGHT LOSS; more fun with food variety, taste, and learning new recipes. It has just all-around been an EXCITING experience! Looking forward to what additional improvements we will notice as we continue the diet in 2008.

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