Monday, February 18, 2008

Connection between Antidepressants and School Shootings and Much More

The most popular of these antidepressants, Effexor, nowhas "homicidal ideation" listed as a side effect. Homicidalideation is not just killing someone, but it is havingconstant ruminating thoughts of killing and how to kill. Tosee the results of just this one deception withantidepressants go to where you willfind a very long list of school shootings, loving mothersand fathers who have killed their children, children whohave killed their parents, suicides, murder/suicides,female school teachers who have seduced male students, evenwell respected ministers who have raped children,previously "straight" individuals who have become "gay" -even to the point of having sex change surgery, extreme outof character behavior, including violence, wild spendingsprees, embezzlement, sexual promiscuity, exhibitionism,gambling, etc. - all side effects of antidepressants.
How could these medications produce such devastation?
Simple. Antidepressants create a sleep disorder in whichthe patient acts out nightmares. It is called a REM SleepBehavior Disorder (RBD) and 86% of those being diagnosedwith the disorder are taking antidepressants. Acting outone's worst nightmare - what a perfect way to produce out-of-character behavior that could destroy all a person hasworked to achieve in character building throughout life!

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