I was watching the news today and the anchor announced a story about reading food labels and my insides churned. One thing about me; ignorant anchors make me want to hit the television!! I really want to share knowledge about eating the right type of foods and these misinformed actors point you in the wrong direction.
So what is so wrong with reading labels? There really is little wrong with reading labels and I encourage you to so you know what you are about to put in your body. The mistake lies in the purpose of picking up a can to gaze at the label. What are you looking for? Instead of looking for measurements of calories, proteins, carbs, etc. (which are announced all over the media by so called “experts” and “role models”) we should be looking at what INGREDIENTS THAT MAKE THIS FOOD UP.
I am sure a car tire has calories, proteins, and carbs… ARE YOU GOING TO EAT THAT!!!. We need to change our habit of counting to realizing what are good and bad ingredients in the foods. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE ARE GOING TO PREVENT SICKNESS AND ACHIEVE LEANER, STRONGER, MORE ENERGETIC VESSELS. I hope this is clear to you and would be very interested to hear your comments. Please email me and we can discuss.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Health Nodes Introduction
“What the heck are Health Nodes?” you ask. I got this idea from a great book I just finished called “Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker. He does an amazing job of helping one to see how success in anything can be achieved by simply changing the way you think. He focuses on Rich people and how thinking like rich people can open your eyes to new possibilities. So that got me thinking about success in the health arena.
I have struggled with sharing information about health and my lifestyle because it seems not to be the most popular way of eating or living. I have noticed that people that will accept such a message are those who want to hear it. Those who want excellence in their lives in all areas. Those who are willing to sacrifice the pleasure of the moment for the greater purpose.
Therefore, I am going to devote some time in my blogs to writing what I call Health Nodes. They will share the differences about how healthy people think compared to unhealthy. Hopefully, by reading these, you will see where you sit in this realm and open your mind to new possibilities of success.
We are all programmed in a certain way from how we were raised and what we experienced growing up. From this programming comes the way we make choices to be or not to be healthy. These, like files in computer, are the nodes that make up our health blueprint . So by addressing the wrong type of nodes we can then change the programming of our mind so that we can set ourselves up for a failure-free healthy lifestyle. Stay tuned for the first health node.
I have struggled with sharing information about health and my lifestyle because it seems not to be the most popular way of eating or living. I have noticed that people that will accept such a message are those who want to hear it. Those who want excellence in their lives in all areas. Those who are willing to sacrifice the pleasure of the moment for the greater purpose.
Therefore, I am going to devote some time in my blogs to writing what I call Health Nodes. They will share the differences about how healthy people think compared to unhealthy. Hopefully, by reading these, you will see where you sit in this realm and open your mind to new possibilities of success.
We are all programmed in a certain way from how we were raised and what we experienced growing up. From this programming comes the way we make choices to be or not to be healthy. These, like files in computer, are the nodes that make up our health blueprint . So by addressing the wrong type of nodes we can then change the programming of our mind so that we can set ourselves up for a failure-free healthy lifestyle. Stay tuned for the first health node.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
: It has just all-around been an EXCITING experience!
Dr. Malkmus, After picking up your book, God's Way to Ultimate Health, in our local Health Food store in late September, my husband and I made the commitment to do a 90- day trial. As skeptical as I was, we made the diet change October 1, 2007. After only one month on the diet, between the two of us, here is what we wrote down as the changes we noticed: SLEEP LIKE A BABY (so sound and refreshing); MORE ENERGY; LOSS OF JOINT PAIN IN THUMB, KNEE, SHOULDERS, HANDS NO LONGER STIFF OR NUMB IN THE MORNING; SKIN SOFTER; BREAST LUMPS HAD DISAPPEARED; ECZEMA GONE; SOME WEIGHT LOSS; more fun with food variety, taste, and learning new recipes. It has just all-around been an EXCITING experience! Looking forward to what additional improvements we will notice as we continue the diet in 2008.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
My Journey
The other day I shared the story of the founder of Hallelujah Acres. I hope you enjoyed reading about his story. There are so many similar stories that come into H.Acres that are inspiring and uplifting. He has affected many lives with his teachings about health and I want to share about mine.
After reading a book called “Why Christian’s Get Sick”, I was challenged to make some changes in my diet and lifestyle. I noticed more improvement than any other diet change I had ever tried before. A few months later I looked at the back of the book to order some recipe books and realized that H. Acres was located in my wife’s hometown. So we went down to the store and bought a few things. I noticed that there was a health seminar going on. I inquired and the next week we went and were astonished at the amazing information being shared. We left for a while and then came back and trained to be Health Ministers of H. Acres.
This has definitely been one of the most remarkable adventures of my life. I have grown a passion to help those who are sick and share information about unbelievable ways of living that can help you to live every day feeling great. I encourage you to email me and say hi so I can share my wealth of information with you.
After reading a book called “Why Christian’s Get Sick”, I was challenged to make some changes in my diet and lifestyle. I noticed more improvement than any other diet change I had ever tried before. A few months later I looked at the back of the book to order some recipe books and realized that H. Acres was located in my wife’s hometown. So we went down to the store and bought a few things. I noticed that there was a health seminar going on. I inquired and the next week we went and were astonished at the amazing information being shared. We left for a while and then came back and trained to be Health Ministers of H. Acres.
This has definitely been one of the most remarkable adventures of my life. I have grown a passion to help those who are sick and share information about unbelievable ways of living that can help you to live every day feeling great. I encourage you to email me and say hi so I can share my wealth of information with you.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Free Recipe: Cabbage and Walnut Salad
1 1/2 cups finely shredded green cabbage1/4 cup diced red pepper1/4 cup diced cucumber2 tablespoons broken walnut pieces2 tablespoons chopped Italian parsley
Dressing:3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice2 tablespoons distilled water2 teaspoons (Agave Nectar) OR 1/8 teaspoon Stevia (to taste)
Prepare salad vegetables and set aside. Combine dressingingredients and thoroughly stir into vegetables. Serveimmediately or place in refrigerator till serving time.ENJOY!
Dressing:3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice2 tablespoons distilled water2 teaspoons (Agave Nectar) OR 1/8 teaspoon Stevia (to taste)
Prepare salad vegetables and set aside. Combine dressingingredients and thoroughly stir into vegetables. Serveimmediately or place in refrigerator till serving time.ENJOY!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Introducing Hallelujiah Acres (www.hacres.com)
I came across Hallelujah Acres almost four years ago after reading a book that changed my life. It is was written by author and founder of the company, George Malkumus. Through his experience he has learned much about nutrition and has devoted his life to sharing the message. I want to write a few blogs about this great man. Here is an excerpt from his latest health tip (email me if you would like to be sent this free weekly email).
“And sure-enough, in 1976, at the age of 42, I was told I had colon cancer, and in 2001, at age 67, suffered a stroke. In 1976, when I was told I had colon cancer, ratherthan going the medical route my mom had gone before me for her cancer with devastating results, I opted for "The Hallelujah Diet”. Within one year of making the dietchange, my cancer was gone and has remained gone for 32- years.
I recommend reading the rest of his story… please email me if you are interested.
“And sure-enough, in 1976, at the age of 42, I was told I had colon cancer, and in 2001, at age 67, suffered a stroke. In 1976, when I was told I had colon cancer, ratherthan going the medical route my mom had gone before me for her cancer with devastating results, I opted for "The Hallelujah Diet”. Within one year of making the dietchange, my cancer was gone and has remained gone for 32- years.
I recommend reading the rest of his story… please email me if you are interested.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Testimony Time: Chris survives Disease
"My name is Chris and I live in Melbourne, Victoria,Australia. Six years ago I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin'sLymphoma, which had obstructed both urethras of my kidneysand caused much damage - the right one was barelyfunctioning. Stents were inserted for 3 months. After acourse of C.H.O.P. chemotherapy, I had expected to besomewhat improved, however I never recovered. After a fewmonths as I was crying out to God for my 'way of escape',three people mentioned to me about the Hallelujah Diet®. Iread some material and I admit I was extremely skepticalbut could not shake the idea that this was indeed God's wayof escape for me. I began the diet in November 2001. TodayI am well and strong - back into fulltime work and soenjoying my life. Was it easy? NO! I had many times ofwanting to quit but as the months passed, I certainlyreaped the benefits of excellent eating and will continueto do so.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Testimony Time: Kathy’s off 11 meds now!
From Sharpsville, Indiana, Kathy writes: "I am so thankfulfor this Hallelujah Diet way of nurturing my physical body.It has not always been easy, but the benefits have beenvery rewarding! Since adopting the Hallelujah Diet, I amnow off all of the 11-different medicines I was taking, andI no longer suffer with arthritis, obesity, esophagealreflux, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood cholesterol orhigh blood pressure. Thank God, I am cured of all thesemedical problems!"
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Does serotonin affect spirituality?
Antidepressants work by increasing levels of theneurotransmitter serotonin. But 50% of the serotonin ismetabolized by the pineal gland. What is the pineal gland?It is the master gland of the body known as the "seat ofthe soul" or our connection to higher, spiritual thoughts.In Eastern religions it is known as the Third Eye and islocated right in the center of the brain.
The question we need to ask is that if the Pineal gland isoverloaded with large amounts of serotonin produced bythese drugs, does it interfere with that spiritualconnection? According to patients using these drugs itdoes! They continually report that they can no longer feelGod. One perfect example that comes to mind is that ofElizabeth Bush, the 14-year-old girl who shot her bestfriend at the private Catholic school they attended.
Elizabeth's hero in life was Mother Theresa. Elizabethplanned to devote her life to God and become a nun. So howdid she go from that point to a charge of attempted murderalmost overnight? I called her attorney when this happenedand told him what happened was likely the result of the useof one of these antidepressants. He did not show muchinterest, but said he would check. Then the following weekElizabeth was interviewed on 20/20 where she made thestatement that she could "no longer feel God anymore."
The question we need to ask is that if the Pineal gland isoverloaded with large amounts of serotonin produced bythese drugs, does it interfere with that spiritualconnection? According to patients using these drugs itdoes! They continually report that they can no longer feelGod. One perfect example that comes to mind is that ofElizabeth Bush, the 14-year-old girl who shot her bestfriend at the private Catholic school they attended.
Elizabeth's hero in life was Mother Theresa. Elizabethplanned to devote her life to God and become a nun. So howdid she go from that point to a charge of attempted murderalmost overnight? I called her attorney when this happenedand told him what happened was likely the result of the useof one of these antidepressants. He did not show muchinterest, but said he would check. Then the following weekElizabeth was interviewed on 20/20 where she made thestatement that she could "no longer feel God anymore."
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Problem with getting off Antidepressants

As people begin to see how they have been lied to aboutthe safety and effectiveness of these drugs and attempt tocome off the drugs, what will the end result be? Kim Crespi, who lives near Charlotte, NC learned of antidepressant withdrawal all too painfully on January 20,2006 when her husband David, a good strong Christian andwonderful husband and father, who was also a vice presidentof the bank, stabbed their twin four year old daughters todeath.
David was in abrupt withdrawal from Paxil and hadjust started taking Prozac. He and Kim were not aware thatthe FDA had just warned the year before that any abruptchange in dose of an antidepressant, whether going up ordown (he had just done both), can produce suicide,hostility, or psychosis - generally a manic psychosisleading to a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. Is it anywonder that the diagnosis of Bipolar has increased by 4000%over a recent 10 year period when it was basically unheardof before SSRI antidepressants?
David was in abrupt withdrawal from Paxil and hadjust started taking Prozac. He and Kim were not aware thatthe FDA had just warned the year before that any abruptchange in dose of an antidepressant, whether going up ordown (he had just done both), can produce suicide,hostility, or psychosis - generally a manic psychosisleading to a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. Is it anywonder that the diagnosis of Bipolar has increased by 4000%over a recent 10 year period when it was basically unheardof before SSRI antidepressants?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Connection between Antidepressants and School Shootings and Much More
The most popular of these antidepressants, Effexor, nowhas "homicidal ideation" listed as a side effect. Homicidalideation is not just killing someone, but it is havingconstant ruminating thoughts of killing and how to kill. Tosee the results of just this one deception withantidepressants go to www.ssristories.com where you willfind a very long list of school shootings, loving mothersand fathers who have killed their children, children whohave killed their parents, suicides, murder/suicides,female school teachers who have seduced male students, evenwell respected ministers who have raped children,previously "straight" individuals who have become "gay" -even to the point of having sex change surgery, extreme outof character behavior, including violence, wild spendingsprees, embezzlement, sexual promiscuity, exhibitionism,gambling, etc. - all side effects of antidepressants.
How could these medications produce such devastation?
Simple. Antidepressants create a sleep disorder in whichthe patient acts out nightmares. It is called a REM SleepBehavior Disorder (RBD) and 86% of those being diagnosedwith the disorder are taking antidepressants. Acting outone's worst nightmare - what a perfect way to produce out-of-character behavior that could destroy all a person hasworked to achieve in character building throughout life!
How could these medications produce such devastation?
Simple. Antidepressants create a sleep disorder in whichthe patient acts out nightmares. It is called a REM SleepBehavior Disorder (RBD) and 86% of those being diagnosedwith the disorder are taking antidepressants. Acting outone's worst nightmare - what a perfect way to produce out-of-character behavior that could destroy all a person hasworked to achieve in character building throughout life!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Are doctor’s “Drugs” good??
According to a 1995 study done by concerned pharmacists,prescription drugs, taken "as prescribed" rather thanabused, are the third leading cause of death in thiscountry, killing as many Americans EVERY WEEK as we lost on9/11. In light of this we need to ask who the realterrorists are when we are in a war that in 5-years haslost only one week's worth of these 9/11 deaths, while allthese deaths due to drugs go unnoticed, slaughtered andburied right under our noses. An example of such a drug is the antidepressants which are now being linked to school shootings and other horrible crimes. See tomorrow’s blog for more on this.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Testimony Time: Jason healing from Cancer
The following is from George Malkumus owner and founder of Hallelujiah Acres, speaking about his son-in-law.
Wow, my own 25-year-old, married with 3 children grandson,who served 2-tours of duty in the U.S. Army in Iraq, andone in Afghanistan, has been diagnosed with cancer. Intalking with Lynda and Jason yesterday, after just 7-dayson 6 green drinks and 6 carrot juices (Hallelujah Acresprotocol), they reported the blockage had cleared, stoolsalready were normal, and free of blood; that the headachessuffered daily for the past 2-years were gone in 4-days;that his appetite is back; as is his energy.
Wow, my own 25-year-old, married with 3 children grandson,who served 2-tours of duty in the U.S. Army in Iraq, andone in Afghanistan, has been diagnosed with cancer. Intalking with Lynda and Jason yesterday, after just 7-dayson 6 green drinks and 6 carrot juices (Hallelujah Acresprotocol), they reported the blockage had cleared, stoolsalready were normal, and free of blood; that the headachessuffered daily for the past 2-years were gone in 4-days;that his appetite is back; as is his energy.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Juicing: Your Key To LIFE
3. Juicing: The Key To Life
This segment will be about the most important addition that you will need in your diet. It will explain how juicing gives you the most nutrients from the vegetable. The type of juicers will then be explained for your understanding when selecting one. Finally a suggestion of what juices you can start off with.
Juicing is the only way to get the majority of nutrients from the vegetable. Vegetables and fruit are made up of juice and fiber. The juice holds all the living nutrients and vitamins while the fiber does not hold any. Fiber is good for helping the digested food move through the body. So juicing removes the fiber from the food and leaves you with just the juice. This is important because in this state, the nutrition dense juice can go right into your blood stream to be used by the body in a matter of seconds without having to use energy to separate the fiber. The body uses lots of energy in the process of eating the vegetable , digesting and getting of it. In fact by the time the whole process is done you are only receiving 1-25% of the nutrients from that carrot that can be used at cell level for healing. If you juice that carrot, with the correct juicer, you can receive upwards of 90% of the nutrients at cellular level. Juicing gives you and experience of raw energy and strength that in unlike any other. So let’s find out what the correct juicing machine is.
There are two types of juicing machines. They are masticating and non-masticating. The non-masticating ones are the more contemporary juicers that you may see sold in Walmart or on the infomercials. They are lower in price and are more like a blender. These are not that great because they spin at very fast speeds and create a process called oxidation which gets rid of most of the nutrients. Masticating juicers are recommended because they grind the food at a low speed and do not get rid of these very important nutrients. They are much more expensive but are a must as the other ones are basically a waste of money. Good brands of juicers are the Champion juicer and the best one is the Green Star Line. These are anywhere from $250-600.00 to purchase and will last a very long time. What can you do with these juicers?
There are many things you can do with a juicer such as a Green Star. You can juice a variety of types of vegetable and fruits. For example, you can juice carrots, beets, lettuce as well as apples, pears and peaches. It is recommended that you drink at least two eight ounce glasses of vegetable juices per day. The body cannot absorb more than eight ounces at a time. It is recommended to use 2/3rds carrot juice and 1/3rd greens or root veggies such as lettuce, spinach, kale, or beets. You can add apples to sweeten it up and some even use ginger or garlic to give it a kick. The juicer will also make homemade pasta, bread, sauces and ice creamy desserts. There are varieties of different juices that can be used and many books have been created on the subject giving you hundreds of recipes. Two recommendations are The Juicing Book by Stephen Blauer and Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices by Dr. Norman Walker. These juicers, books, and more will be available on my upcoming website.
I hope you have enjoyed this health blog. I will leave you with a free recipe to try at home and enjoy. Have a Happy Healthy Day
This segment will be about the most important addition that you will need in your diet. It will explain how juicing gives you the most nutrients from the vegetable. The type of juicers will then be explained for your understanding when selecting one. Finally a suggestion of what juices you can start off with.
Juicing is the only way to get the majority of nutrients from the vegetable. Vegetables and fruit are made up of juice and fiber. The juice holds all the living nutrients and vitamins while the fiber does not hold any. Fiber is good for helping the digested food move through the body. So juicing removes the fiber from the food and leaves you with just the juice. This is important because in this state, the nutrition dense juice can go right into your blood stream to be used by the body in a matter of seconds without having to use energy to separate the fiber. The body uses lots of energy in the process of eating the vegetable , digesting and getting of it. In fact by the time the whole process is done you are only receiving 1-25% of the nutrients from that carrot that can be used at cell level for healing. If you juice that carrot, with the correct juicer, you can receive upwards of 90% of the nutrients at cellular level. Juicing gives you and experience of raw energy and strength that in unlike any other. So let’s find out what the correct juicing machine is.
There are two types of juicing machines. They are masticating and non-masticating. The non-masticating ones are the more contemporary juicers that you may see sold in Walmart or on the infomercials. They are lower in price and are more like a blender. These are not that great because they spin at very fast speeds and create a process called oxidation which gets rid of most of the nutrients. Masticating juicers are recommended because they grind the food at a low speed and do not get rid of these very important nutrients. They are much more expensive but are a must as the other ones are basically a waste of money. Good brands of juicers are the Champion juicer and the best one is the Green Star Line. These are anywhere from $250-600.00 to purchase and will last a very long time. What can you do with these juicers?
There are many things you can do with a juicer such as a Green Star. You can juice a variety of types of vegetable and fruits. For example, you can juice carrots, beets, lettuce as well as apples, pears and peaches. It is recommended that you drink at least two eight ounce glasses of vegetable juices per day. The body cannot absorb more than eight ounces at a time. It is recommended to use 2/3rds carrot juice and 1/3rd greens or root veggies such as lettuce, spinach, kale, or beets. You can add apples to sweeten it up and some even use ginger or garlic to give it a kick. The juicer will also make homemade pasta, bread, sauces and ice creamy desserts. There are varieties of different juices that can be used and many books have been created on the subject giving you hundreds of recipes. Two recommendations are The Juicing Book by Stephen Blauer and Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices by Dr. Norman Walker. These juicers, books, and more will be available on my upcoming website.
I hope you have enjoyed this health blog. I will leave you with a free recipe to try at home and enjoy. Have a Happy Healthy Day
Cleansing: In with the Good
So a couple of days ago I shared the one part of cleansing that entails fiber cleanse. This week I would like to talk about what to put in the body. This will be an introduction to the Hallelujah Diet and lifestyle which is named that because so many people, after adopting this way of life, exclaim “Hallelujah” as they see their physical problems disappear. I will start with a brief point about the body and how it is self healing . The discussion will then move to the five bad foods and then a very brief outline of the good foods. I will get into more detail about all this as we carry on in the future, but lets get started.
Whether you believe in a creator or not, there is no doubt our bodies were made with self healing inside of them. The mechanism of self healing is called our immune system. You need a healthy immune system to help your body function properly and ward off toxic substances. In order to have a healthy immune system, you must use the correct building materials. LIVING ENZYMES from LIVING food. Our body is made up of trillions of cells and these cells die and replace at about 3,000,000 cells per minute. If we want a healthy body, we must replace those cells that die with living cells full of nutrition. This will build our immune system which starts the amazing process of self-healing.
Before we get to what sorts of foods give us all these great nutrients, I want to touch on the ones that do not. I will go into more detail about this as time goes on but at least you will have a starting point. There are 5 BAD food groups. They are:
1. All products derived from animal sources including meat, dairy and eggs
2. All white products; rice, pastas, and bread, refined sugar
3. Alcohol
4. Caffeine incl. Chocolate.
5. Table salt. (sea salt is good)
Now you may be thinking that list is all the food you eat. What can I have now? On this diet, which is complimented with exercise, you can have the following. The most important are live freshly extracted vegetable juices. You may also eat tones of RAW fruits and veggies. Limited amounts of RAW nuts, seeds, dates and figs are also great for you. Finally, you should have no more than 25% of the following cooked foods each day: veggies, potatoes, brown or whole grain rice, pasta and breads plus a variety of different foods.
Well I know that is a lot to digest (hehehe) in one day but I hope I have attracted your attention.
I am working on getting a great website of my own where you can get everything you need to transition to this diet.
Have a Happy Healthy Day
Whether you believe in a creator or not, there is no doubt our bodies were made with self healing inside of them. The mechanism of self healing is called our immune system. You need a healthy immune system to help your body function properly and ward off toxic substances. In order to have a healthy immune system, you must use the correct building materials. LIVING ENZYMES from LIVING food. Our body is made up of trillions of cells and these cells die and replace at about 3,000,000 cells per minute. If we want a healthy body, we must replace those cells that die with living cells full of nutrition. This will build our immune system which starts the amazing process of self-healing.
Before we get to what sorts of foods give us all these great nutrients, I want to touch on the ones that do not. I will go into more detail about this as time goes on but at least you will have a starting point. There are 5 BAD food groups. They are:
1. All products derived from animal sources including meat, dairy and eggs
2. All white products; rice, pastas, and bread, refined sugar
3. Alcohol
4. Caffeine incl. Chocolate.
5. Table salt. (sea salt is good)
Now you may be thinking that list is all the food you eat. What can I have now? On this diet, which is complimented with exercise, you can have the following. The most important are live freshly extracted vegetable juices. You may also eat tones of RAW fruits and veggies. Limited amounts of RAW nuts, seeds, dates and figs are also great for you. Finally, you should have no more than 25% of the following cooked foods each day: veggies, potatoes, brown or whole grain rice, pasta and breads plus a variety of different foods.
Well I know that is a lot to digest (hehehe) in one day but I hope I have attracted your attention.
I am working on getting a great website of my own where you can get everything you need to transition to this diet.
Have a Happy Healthy Day
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Day of Rest
Today I wanted to write about the importance of rest in our lives regarding our health. With all the business of our life, we must treat ourselves to rest in order to restore health to our spirit, minds, and bodies. Let’s sit back relax and learn a little about …. REST.
Growing up I learned about what Christians call the Sabbath day. This is practiced as a day of rest where one does not work. I decided to adopt this into my life over the last few years and I really thank God for this idea. This is a great time for rejuvination and a day to have fun and do some stuff for me. What do I do?
Basically I say no to anything that feels like work. I do help people if need be on that day but If I have a choice of what to do I relax. It is a great time to reflect on the week and on life. A time to feel thankfulness and gratitude for the blessings that have come our way. I usually sleep in if I want to. Relax and watch tv. Meditate on scripture or an inspiring uplifting book. I may lay out in the sun or take a hot relaxing bath. Sometimes I treat myself to a massage. I don’t go to the gym but instead I may go the sauna or hot tub. So there are a few ideas but the main idea is to just rest , relax, and enjoy life.
Not everyone will be willing to take a day off. Although I strongly advise it, there are many other ways you can relax and rest. These can also be incorporated into our daily routines and throughout the day if we are feeling a little uptight or stressed. One exercise is deep breathing. Breath in and then exhale ALL of your air until you have no more left to blow. Then you will automatically take a long deep breath in. Do this about ten times and try it outside. Another idea is to do some gentle stretching after a hot bath. Hold each stretch for at least thirty seconds. Be creative with your relaxation and rest ideas.
So there are a few examples of how you can start to rest. I hope you will become aware of the importance of stress. I have learned that slowing down in life may actually make me more productive than trying to be a work-a-holic. Try it a little to test me out. A clear refreshed mind is so amazing to work with. Besides times of rest and solitude will regenerate your soul and heart and give you more energy to pursue your passions in life. SO get going… hurry up and… DO NOTHING!!!!
Have a Happy Healthy Day.!!
Growing up I learned about what Christians call the Sabbath day. This is practiced as a day of rest where one does not work. I decided to adopt this into my life over the last few years and I really thank God for this idea. This is a great time for rejuvination and a day to have fun and do some stuff for me. What do I do?
Basically I say no to anything that feels like work. I do help people if need be on that day but If I have a choice of what to do I relax. It is a great time to reflect on the week and on life. A time to feel thankfulness and gratitude for the blessings that have come our way. I usually sleep in if I want to. Relax and watch tv. Meditate on scripture or an inspiring uplifting book. I may lay out in the sun or take a hot relaxing bath. Sometimes I treat myself to a massage. I don’t go to the gym but instead I may go the sauna or hot tub. So there are a few ideas but the main idea is to just rest , relax, and enjoy life.
Not everyone will be willing to take a day off. Although I strongly advise it, there are many other ways you can relax and rest. These can also be incorporated into our daily routines and throughout the day if we are feeling a little uptight or stressed. One exercise is deep breathing. Breath in and then exhale ALL of your air until you have no more left to blow. Then you will automatically take a long deep breath in. Do this about ten times and try it outside. Another idea is to do some gentle stretching after a hot bath. Hold each stretch for at least thirty seconds. Be creative with your relaxation and rest ideas.
So there are a few examples of how you can start to rest. I hope you will become aware of the importance of stress. I have learned that slowing down in life may actually make me more productive than trying to be a work-a-holic. Try it a little to test me out. A clear refreshed mind is so amazing to work with. Besides times of rest and solitude will regenerate your soul and heart and give you more energy to pursue your passions in life. SO get going… hurry up and… DO NOTHING!!!!
Have a Happy Healthy Day.!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Cleansing: Out with the Bad and In with the Good.
It takes two processes to start getting our bodies back in shape. Along with exercise we need to start the cleansing process. It consists of getting all the junk out of us and start putting those living foods into us. I want to explain a little about how this works in today’s writing.
On the subject of cleansing it is important to talk about the colon. Some say a healthy colon is a healthy body. Why? The colon is the passageway that our body uses to eliminate waste that has accumulated. Our food goes into our stomach , through the intestines and the colon and our of our body. It is very important that the colon stay clean as a whistle because toxins build up in a system that is clogged. These toxins are what create the atmosphere for cancerous or diseased cells to start growing. So let’s get these colon’s cleansed.
Cleaning the colon is more that just on one time shot. At first it most likely will be necessary to use a powerful cleanse to get it going and then we will want to use something to keep it regular. A great product is called Fiber Cleanse. This is used for 2-3 months and is purely organic and natural. Unlike products you can buy at the supermarket, such as Metamucil, this has no harmful preservatives or sugars. It won’t harm your body. After the treatment of Fiber Cleanse, then you will want to continue with organic ground flaxseed. Two tablespoons of ground flaxseed in a fruit smoothie or stirred in with water or juice is sufficient. My wife and I really enjoy making a fruit smoothie with frozen whole fruit, flax seed, udo’s oil (essential omega oils for the brain) and some apple or orange juice. Blend that all up and enjoy. You can purchase organic flaxseeds either whole or already ground from your local grocery. If you buy the whole flaxseeds, you will need to purchase a small coffee grinder ($10) and do it yourself. If you buy the already ground flax or “flax meal” you need to store it in the fridge.
So that is part of getting the bad stuff out. But it is important to understand where this bad stuff and build up comes from. The advertisement for Fiber Cleanse gives a wake up call about what crap is in your body. It tells about how the intestines are curves and folds of tissue that are filled with undigested and petrified food. For example, meat does not completely digest in the body (more about this later) and when it goes through the intestines it finds its way into the nooks and crannies. There it stays and rots.. Just the same as if you were to leave meat outside in the sun for days on end!! YUCK. This is the stuff that fiber cleanse will push out. The way it works is by scraping the lining of the walls of the intestines and moving along the crap all the way out. It may be a little uncomfortable at times.. But it does feel excellent when removed from the body in our bowel movements. People actually notice weight loss from this process of cleansing.
So this is one way we can get the bad stuff out.. And tomorrow I will continue with how we can change this pattern of build up by only eating foods that were intended to enter our body.
Have a happy healthy day.
On the subject of cleansing it is important to talk about the colon. Some say a healthy colon is a healthy body. Why? The colon is the passageway that our body uses to eliminate waste that has accumulated. Our food goes into our stomach , through the intestines and the colon and our of our body. It is very important that the colon stay clean as a whistle because toxins build up in a system that is clogged. These toxins are what create the atmosphere for cancerous or diseased cells to start growing. So let’s get these colon’s cleansed.
Cleaning the colon is more that just on one time shot. At first it most likely will be necessary to use a powerful cleanse to get it going and then we will want to use something to keep it regular. A great product is called Fiber Cleanse. This is used for 2-3 months and is purely organic and natural. Unlike products you can buy at the supermarket, such as Metamucil, this has no harmful preservatives or sugars. It won’t harm your body. After the treatment of Fiber Cleanse, then you will want to continue with organic ground flaxseed. Two tablespoons of ground flaxseed in a fruit smoothie or stirred in with water or juice is sufficient. My wife and I really enjoy making a fruit smoothie with frozen whole fruit, flax seed, udo’s oil (essential omega oils for the brain) and some apple or orange juice. Blend that all up and enjoy. You can purchase organic flaxseeds either whole or already ground from your local grocery. If you buy the whole flaxseeds, you will need to purchase a small coffee grinder ($10) and do it yourself. If you buy the already ground flax or “flax meal” you need to store it in the fridge.
So that is part of getting the bad stuff out. But it is important to understand where this bad stuff and build up comes from. The advertisement for Fiber Cleanse gives a wake up call about what crap is in your body. It tells about how the intestines are curves and folds of tissue that are filled with undigested and petrified food. For example, meat does not completely digest in the body (more about this later) and when it goes through the intestines it finds its way into the nooks and crannies. There it stays and rots.. Just the same as if you were to leave meat outside in the sun for days on end!! YUCK. This is the stuff that fiber cleanse will push out. The way it works is by scraping the lining of the walls of the intestines and moving along the crap all the way out. It may be a little uncomfortable at times.. But it does feel excellent when removed from the body in our bowel movements. People actually notice weight loss from this process of cleansing.
So this is one way we can get the bad stuff out.. And tomorrow I will continue with how we can change this pattern of build up by only eating foods that were intended to enter our body.
Have a happy healthy day.
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