Thursday, July 10, 2008


We continue our study on Grains with some more of the article from last week's health tip by George Malkamus, founder and owner of Hallelujah Acres.


Sadly, studies reveal a strong link between juvenile and
adult criminal offenses not only to REFINED sugar, but also
REFINED grains. Similar research reveals a link between
mental illness and sugar derived from these REFINED

Hypoglycemic reactions, for the very sensitive consumer,
promote extreme irrationality, emotional instability, and
often times aggressiveness. Recent studies reveal that
sugar, coming from both REFINED sugars and REFINED grains,
may be as involved in mental illness, divorce, and crime as
alcohol has been found to be.

These REFINED grains and sugars, also play a significant
roll in the bad behavior of children. This bad behavior
often leads to a child being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.
And the doctor, rather than telling the parent they need to
remove the cause of the child's problem (REFINED sugars and
REFINED grains), prescribes a drug that can have
potentially devastating consequences.

Through the years, I have received some wonderful
testimonies from mothers reporting that after they removed
REFINED grains, along with REFINED sugar from their child's
diet, and placed them on a basically raw plant-based diet,
the child became a totally different and well-behaved

Depression is also one of the most rapidly growing
problems in our society, and RIFINED sugars, along with
REFINED grains, are a major contributing factor!

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