Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Another Article from George about Grains.

When WHOLE grains are processed, something very serious,
with potentially devastating health consequences, happens
to that grain. In order to understand this, we need to
recall what REFINED GRAINS are: A REFINED grain is a WHOLE
grain that has been stripped of its outer shell (fiber) and
its germ (source of nutrients), leaving only the endosperm
(embryo sack).

During processing, REFINED grains go through a heating,
mechanical, and chemical processing, during which vitamins,
proteins, fats, enzymes, in fact, almost all nutrients, as
well as the fiber (outer shell of the grain), are removed,
leaving practically nothing but pure white, pure 'naked
calories,' pure refined carbohydrate.

When you read the word "enriched" on the label of a
REFINED grain product, it means the manufacturer, after
removing the germ from the WHOLE grain, which contained
almost all the nutrients, has attempted to replace some of
the nutrients lost in the processing with chemical

Also, when a person consumes a REFINED grain, because the
fiber has been removed, a high percentage of the starch,
(which is practically all that is left after the fiber and
germ have been removed), is very quickly broken down into
simple sugars.

These simple sugars from REFINED grain hit the blood
stream almost as rapidly as REFINED sugars do. Dealing with
all of this sugar exhausts the pancreas and/or adrenals,
and produces the same diabetic/hypoglycemic reactions we
learned about in Health Tips #549 and #550.

Lifetime consumption of REFINED sugar is approximately
10,000 pounds per person, and the lifetime intake of
REFINED grains, which converts to sugar very rapidly, is
approximately 13,000 pounds. Friends, can you not now
better understand why the people of today suffer with a
multitude of blood sugar problems.

This incredibly high intake of REFINED sugar and REFINED
grains, grains that convert very rapidly to sugar, is
devastating the people. This high sugar intake is causing a
myriad of psychological problems, dealt with by guess what -
DRUGS, which only exacerbate the problem. This high sugar
intake also packs on the pounds, the primary cause of
nearly 70% of the population being overweight, and an ever-
increasing percentage of our population becoming obese.

Prior to the year 1900, practically no REFINED sugars or
REFINED grains were consumed in America or any other place
in the world, and for sure, there were no REFINED sugars,
or REFINED grains in the diet God gave Adam and Eden in the
Garden of Eden in the Genesis 1:29 diet. Nor will you find
any REFINED sugar or REFINED grains in The Hallelujah Acres

Because The Hallelujah Diet contains no REFINED sugars or
REFINED grains, it is the best weight loss program in the
world, while at the same time, because of the elimination
of these REFINED products, it helps those with emotional,
physiological, and depression problems recover.

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