It is a healthy suggestion to switch to eating whole grains as opposed to refined grains found in white breads, pastas, rice, and cereals. Whole grains are raw in their whole form. We see more of what are called “refined grains” in grocery stores today like white and whole wheat breads.
We have already discussed fiberless, acidic, and dead foods in previous lessons. Refined grains are also part of this group so focus will be put on explaining other issues of what refined grains do in the body. One of these being that grains in their refined form are highly starchy and cause mucus formation. Reducing the amount of grains in the diet can help us stay away from learning disorders, schizophrenia as well as asthma, allergies, gluten intolerance, digestive disturbances, yeast infections, various mucus and congestive conditions, several types of arthritis, chronic overeating, Candida, and the ability to loose weight. Again similar to animal products and sugar, refined grains cause emotional instability, blood sugar disorders, and suppressed immunes systems.
If loosing weight a goal, staying away from refined grains would be a big help. Refined grains are addictive and therefore lead to overeating. This happens because of the addictive nature as discussed in sugar and also because there are very little nutrients in the grains. The body may feel hunger shortly after eating bread or pasta because it’s nutritional level is wanting more satisfaction. This causes us to overeating which can be seen in the ever increasing obesity in the country.
In order to gain energy and loose weight the dancer’s diet uses whole grains instead of refined grains. Refined grains have lead to the following diseases in the body: acne, addiction to drugs and caffeine, alcoholism, allergies, anxiety, behavior problems, binge eating, bloating, bone loss, Candidiasis, depression, difficulty concentrating, eczema, edema, emotional problems, fatigue, food cravings,
hormonal problems, hyperactivity, insomnia, menstrual difficulties, mental illness, mood swings, premature aging, psoriasis, and the list goes on and on.