This recipe can be found on page 200 of Rhonda Malkmus'
358-page, spiral bound, best selling book "Recipes for Life
...from God's Garden," published by Hallelujah Acres. (This
book contains over 400 recipes that fit The Hallelujah
Diet, and is available on our website at
or by calling 1.800.915.9355.)
2 cups carrots (finely grated)
1/4 cup red pepper (finely chopped)
1/2 cup celery (finely chopped)
1/4 cup red onion (finely chopped)
1/4 cup broccoli florets (finely chopped)
1 cup freshly extracted carrot juicjavascript:void(0)
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1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/4 teaspoon paprika
Celtic Sea Salt to taste (optional)
Clean and grate carrots. Finely chop vegetables and mix
together. Add carrot juice and seasonings (You can vary
amounts of juice to produce a thicker or thinner soup).
Stir to blend. Serve with a nice garden salad. ENJOY!
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