Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Self Healing Body (Part III): Results

When life giving food is eaten, we literally eat life. It is passed from one to the other. Living enzymes from the food pass into our body in their natural organic form. An increase of energy level will occur as the immune system gradually boosts itself and sends energy to the necessary cells of our body. Some have noticed a double portion of energy including those over forty who feel this remarkable change has given them the most energy they have ever received.

Many folks who have adopted this new way of eating have seen “incurable diseases” disappear. Thousands of testimonies are emailed in that describe how people of all ages have seen cancer, diabetes, and over forty other ailments disappear. The diet change has even had great success with AIDS. This simple change in diet is surprising to most until they understand that doctors specialize in treating symptoms. Despite this, disease is still here while trillions of dollars of our tax money is spent on health care. We must open our minds to an alternative way and get educated about this nutrition.

Finally the most exciting benefit of this food change is all the weight that just literally off your body. There have been many folks who easily loose upwards of fifty percent of their body weight if need be. The best part is that this is all done naturally and will keep you feeling whole and happy while being able to eat a variety of your favorite foods. So let’s get to what those foods are and how they work to create our self-healing body.

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