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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, August 18, 2008
Delicious Natural Fruit Beverage Soda Alternative.

Someone commented on my blog a while back and we cooresponded for a while and I got some free drinks in the mail. They are really great tasting and are NOT bad for you.. I am happy to add another to my list of GOOD for YOU sodas. Follow the link to get in touch and get your first mouthful of FizzyLizzy Soda’s.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Question about Sugar addiction
Here is a question I received that I thought may be a popular one and can benefit you.
Is there a scientific reason humans desire something sweet after a meal or is it just tradition?
Good question. I totally think about this every day. Yes there definately is a reason. Sugar fits into a category called Neurotoxins. These are substances such as refined sugar, salt, msg's etc. that are added to food and are specifically designed to make us addicted to it. It does this by sending messages to the brain that this food is good. So we get a good feeling throughout our bodies just the same is if we smoked, drank alcohol, have sex, or did drugs.. It is just another drug that we can become addicted to. Our brain then connects sugar to feeling good.
SOOO.. if one is used to having sweets after a meal, this tradition will become and addiction. If you were to go a couple of weeks without any sweets, or if you were not raised in this way then you would not desire sweets after a meal.
If you are interested, I have many healthy and natural dessert recipes on my web/blog that will not give the addictive qualities of refined sugar and the like.
Hope this helps. Have a great day.
Is there a scientific reason humans desire something sweet after a meal or is it just tradition?
Good question. I totally think about this every day. Yes there definately is a reason. Sugar fits into a category called Neurotoxins. These are substances such as refined sugar, salt, msg's etc. that are added to food and are specifically designed to make us addicted to it. It does this by sending messages to the brain that this food is good. So we get a good feeling throughout our bodies just the same is if we smoked, drank alcohol, have sex, or did drugs.. It is just another drug that we can become addicted to. Our brain then connects sugar to feeling good.
SOOO.. if one is used to having sweets after a meal, this tradition will become and addiction. If you were to go a couple of weeks without any sweets, or if you were not raised in this way then you would not desire sweets after a meal.
If you are interested, I have many healthy and natural dessert recipes on my web/blog that will not give the addictive qualities of refined sugar and the like.
Hope this helps. Have a great day.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Wake Up and Don’t Smell the Coffee. Dangers of Coffee
This is exerpts from another great article by George Malkumus . This is one of the hardest things to give up when transferring to another diet but, as you’ll read, will make you feel a lot better.
Let me preface this week’s article by saying that
everything we place into our body through our mouth,
affects the health of our physical body - either for good
or for bad. Thus, if we desire good health, we MUST
carefully consider what we place into our mouth.
What most people do not realize is that almost every
physical problem they experience through life, other than
accidents of course, is CAUSED by something THEY placed
into their MOUTH.
In this Health Tip we are going to turn our attention to
NICOTINE, a non-food substance that DOES A BODY “BAD.”
Let’s begin by turning to Webster’s Dictionary for a
definition of “Nicotine”: “a colorless, oily, water-
soluble, HIGHLY TOXIC liquid alkaloid, C10H14N2, found in
tobacco and valued as an insecticide.”
Please note the words “HIGHLY TOXIC”. Again we turn to
Webster for the definition of another word, “TOXIC”:
“acting as or having the effect of a POISON; poisonous, a
*Nearly 500,000 (one-half million) people die prematurely
each year from tobacco-related diseases. This accounts for
a greater number of deaths than those caused by alcohol,
cocaine, crack, heroin, AIDS, homicides, suicides, car
crashes and fires COMBINED!
*Tobacco use is the Number One cause of preventable deaths
in our country, while one in every five deaths can be
attributed to smoking. That is 20% of all deaths in our
country could be prevented, if only people would stop
*Tobacco use shortens the user’s life by an average of 21
*Tobacco is a highly toxic and addicting drug! The U. S.
Government has issued a statement that tobacco is every bit
as addicting as heroin. (Smokeless tobacco is every bit as
addictive and dangerous to the body as is tobacco that is
*The American Lung Association states that tobacco
contains over 500 known toxins, the worst being nicotine,
tars, and carbon monoxide. These cytoplasmic poisons are
drawn into the lungs and absorbed into the blood stream
with every puff on the cigarette by the smoker.
*It is not unusual for a cigarette smoker to look a good
10 to 15 years older than others in the same age bracket.
Most cigarette smokers begin their addiction with the very
first cigarette! That first cigarette usually takes place
as an adolescent, often because of peer pressure, a desire
to act grown up, or not wanting to be different from the
However, while that first cigarette often causes violent
coughing, if the person continues to smoke, it isn’t long
before the coughing subsides and the drug nicotine,
contained within the smoke of that cigarette, starts
bringing a feeling of pleasure. Not realizing that nicotine
is among the most powerful of all known stimulant drugs,
smoking quickly becomes an addiction.
No one has ever become a nicotine addict who refused that
first cigarette (or chew)! But a non-smoker who lights up
more than 2 cigarettes in a row has only a 15% chance of
remaining a non-smoker. In other words, a person who lights
up just 2 cigarettes in a row has an 85% chance of becoming
Eighty percent of men and sixty percent of women smokers
average at least a pack of 20 cigarettes a day - that’s
over one cigarette per waking hour. Heavy smokers need a
fix every 20 to 30 minutes - and often smoke 2-3 packs a
The primary reason people continue to smoke, even after
they have learned how harmful smoking is to their body, is
because of a biochemical ADDICTION.
The curse of this addicting drug is that it makes the
smoker feel good as long as they are taking the drug into
their body and rotten when they stop. When a person tries
to stop the nicotine (drug) intake, and as the body
attempts to free itself of the drug, the body, because of
the addiction, DEMANDS more.
If a cigarette is not smoked within a given amount of
time, that person can begin to experience any of the
following drug withdrawal symptoms: nervousness,
drowsiness, anxiety, headaches, energy loss, sweating,
hostility, heart palpitations, cramps, tremors, and/or
irrationality. Not wanting to suffer through these
withdrawal symptoms, 85% of smokers who attempt to quit,
Besides the ADDICTION, other reasons people continue to
smoke include: stimulation, relaxation, tension coping,
habit, biochemical addiction, and possibly even an
unconscious need for self-destruction or possibly even
punishment due to a poor self-image. But for whatever
reason, cigarette smoking is one of the most destructive,
addictive habits a person can ever enslave himself or
herself to!
Of the 50,000,000 (fifty million) Americans who smoke,
between 33% and 50% of them will die, SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY
SMOKE. One pack a day smokers are twice as likely to die
from lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema, and heart disease
than nonsmokers! 91% of lung cancer patients die within 5
The average, potentially FATAL “cancer stick dose” is
125,000 cigarettes! Smoking just one pack a day for 17
years adds up to approximately 125,000 cigarettes (6,250
packs), costing approximately $20,000. If a person starts
smoking at age 13 and lives long enough to reach age 63,
they will have put a match to 365,000 cigarettes, at a cost
of over $60,000 dollars, producing nothing more than TOXIC
Women on birth control pills who smoke, run an even higher
risk of developing hardening of the arteries, blood
clotting, and heart disease than those women who do not
smoke. Pregnant women who smoke endanger the health of the
unborn fetus through “passive smoking.”
Let me preface this week’s article by saying that
everything we place into our body through our mouth,
affects the health of our physical body - either for good
or for bad. Thus, if we desire good health, we MUST
carefully consider what we place into our mouth.
What most people do not realize is that almost every
physical problem they experience through life, other than
accidents of course, is CAUSED by something THEY placed
into their MOUTH.
In this Health Tip we are going to turn our attention to
NICOTINE, a non-food substance that DOES A BODY “BAD.”
Let’s begin by turning to Webster’s Dictionary for a
definition of “Nicotine”: “a colorless, oily, water-
soluble, HIGHLY TOXIC liquid alkaloid, C10H14N2, found in
tobacco and valued as an insecticide.”
Please note the words “HIGHLY TOXIC”. Again we turn to
Webster for the definition of another word, “TOXIC”:
“acting as or having the effect of a POISON; poisonous, a
*Nearly 500,000 (one-half million) people die prematurely
each year from tobacco-related diseases. This accounts for
a greater number of deaths than those caused by alcohol,
cocaine, crack, heroin, AIDS, homicides, suicides, car
crashes and fires COMBINED!
*Tobacco use is the Number One cause of preventable deaths
in our country, while one in every five deaths can be
attributed to smoking. That is 20% of all deaths in our
country could be prevented, if only people would stop
*Tobacco use shortens the user’s life by an average of 21
*Tobacco is a highly toxic and addicting drug! The U. S.
Government has issued a statement that tobacco is every bit
as addicting as heroin. (Smokeless tobacco is every bit as
addictive and dangerous to the body as is tobacco that is
*The American Lung Association states that tobacco
contains over 500 known toxins, the worst being nicotine,
tars, and carbon monoxide. These cytoplasmic poisons are
drawn into the lungs and absorbed into the blood stream
with every puff on the cigarette by the smoker.
*It is not unusual for a cigarette smoker to look a good
10 to 15 years older than others in the same age bracket.
Most cigarette smokers begin their addiction with the very
first cigarette! That first cigarette usually takes place
as an adolescent, often because of peer pressure, a desire
to act grown up, or not wanting to be different from the
However, while that first cigarette often causes violent
coughing, if the person continues to smoke, it isn’t long
before the coughing subsides and the drug nicotine,
contained within the smoke of that cigarette, starts
bringing a feeling of pleasure. Not realizing that nicotine
is among the most powerful of all known stimulant drugs,
smoking quickly becomes an addiction.
No one has ever become a nicotine addict who refused that
first cigarette (or chew)! But a non-smoker who lights up
more than 2 cigarettes in a row has only a 15% chance of
remaining a non-smoker. In other words, a person who lights
up just 2 cigarettes in a row has an 85% chance of becoming
Eighty percent of men and sixty percent of women smokers
average at least a pack of 20 cigarettes a day - that’s
over one cigarette per waking hour. Heavy smokers need a
fix every 20 to 30 minutes - and often smoke 2-3 packs a
The primary reason people continue to smoke, even after
they have learned how harmful smoking is to their body, is
because of a biochemical ADDICTION.
The curse of this addicting drug is that it makes the
smoker feel good as long as they are taking the drug into
their body and rotten when they stop. When a person tries
to stop the nicotine (drug) intake, and as the body
attempts to free itself of the drug, the body, because of
the addiction, DEMANDS more.
If a cigarette is not smoked within a given amount of
time, that person can begin to experience any of the
following drug withdrawal symptoms: nervousness,
drowsiness, anxiety, headaches, energy loss, sweating,
hostility, heart palpitations, cramps, tremors, and/or
irrationality. Not wanting to suffer through these
withdrawal symptoms, 85% of smokers who attempt to quit,
Besides the ADDICTION, other reasons people continue to
smoke include: stimulation, relaxation, tension coping,
habit, biochemical addiction, and possibly even an
unconscious need for self-destruction or possibly even
punishment due to a poor self-image. But for whatever
reason, cigarette smoking is one of the most destructive,
addictive habits a person can ever enslave himself or
herself to!
Of the 50,000,000 (fifty million) Americans who smoke,
between 33% and 50% of them will die, SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY
SMOKE. One pack a day smokers are twice as likely to die
from lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema, and heart disease
than nonsmokers! 91% of lung cancer patients die within 5
The average, potentially FATAL “cancer stick dose” is
125,000 cigarettes! Smoking just one pack a day for 17
years adds up to approximately 125,000 cigarettes (6,250
packs), costing approximately $20,000. If a person starts
smoking at age 13 and lives long enough to reach age 63,
they will have put a match to 365,000 cigarettes, at a cost
of over $60,000 dollars, producing nothing more than TOXIC
Women on birth control pills who smoke, run an even higher
risk of developing hardening of the arteries, blood
clotting, and heart disease than those women who do not
smoke. Pregnant women who smoke endanger the health of the
unborn fetus through “passive smoking.”
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Simple Free Recipe Frozen Treats
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Rest of the Story on Problems with Eating Refined Grains in Diet
Refined grains are one of the starchiest foods consumed by
humans and present an overwhelmingly difficult task for the
digestive system. Refined grains also cause mucus
formation. Since 1965, scientists have repeatedly linked
high gluten consumption, coming from REFINED grains, to
learning disorders and schizophrenia. (Those with gluten
intolerance cannot handle whole grains that contain gluten
Gluten is the "grayish, sticky component of wheat flour
and other grain flours, composed mainly of the proteins
gladin and glutenin" (Webster)
Not all grains contain gluten. Examples of those that do
not contain gluten include millet, amaranth and quinoa.
REFINED grains such as wheat, which is exceptionally high
in gluten, can produce many physical and mental problems,
in addition to celiac disease, which many are aware of.
Problems linked to high gluten intake can include: asthma,
allergies, gluten intolerance, digestive disturbances,
yeast infections, various mucus and congestive
disturbances, several types of arthritis, and even chronic
overeating. (Source: "Grain Damage" by Douglas Graham, D.C.)
REFINED grains are addictive! We have found that when a
person decides to adopt The Hallelujah Diet, REFINED sugar,
along with REFINED grains, are the two most difficult items
to eliminate from the diet - much more difficult than
eliminating animal source foods. WHY? - Because these
sugars have a very powerful addictive influence upon the
body - as powerful as nicotine and alcohol for some.
Another thing we need to remember concerning REFINED
grains is that whenever a food has been fragmented, it is
nutrient-deficient and always results in lower levels of
nutrition and health. This is the case concerning REFINED
grain products. Because REFINED grains do not provide
satisfaction at the cellular level, the body continues to
be hungry - continuing to seek adequate nutrients to
satisfy nutritional needs. This leads to overeating.
Sadly, all these REFINED foods have produced a nation of
overfed, undernourished, predominantly overweight people.
The Hallelujah Diet by comparison, produces a people who
are properly nourished while at the same time consuming a
much lower volume of food. The Hallelujah Diet contributes
to a person being of ideal weight, along with possessing a
healthy, strong physical body, a sound mind, and an
uncompromised immune system.
We need to remember that the immune system was built into
each of our physical bodies to protect us from the germs,
viruses, and bacteria of this world. Our immune system is
our first line of defense! REFINED grains, which convert
very rapidly to sugar, along with REFINED sugar, suppress
the immune system, keeping it from being able to perform
its God given tasks.
Does this not give us a clue as to why so many people
experience infections, colds, the flu, along with other flu
like symptoms, and more? Since this editor adopted a
predominantly raw plant based diet, free of any REFINED
grains or sugars over 32 years ago, I have not experienced
any infections, the flu, or even a cold, not even one time.
Does not the Bible tell us that we will reap what we sow
in Galatians 6:7: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man [or woman] soweth, that shall he [or she]
also reap."
Finally, refined grains are associated with not only
malnutrition and decreased resistance to disease, mental
instability, and being overweight, but REFINED grains
impact our quality of life. REFINED grains cause or
increase the severity of PMS, decrease cognitive or
intellectual function, especially in children, and along
with REFINED sugar also contribute to our current epidemic
of heart disease, and so much more.
Following is just a partial list of other health problems
related to the intake of REFINED grains: Acne, addiction to
drugs including caffeine and alcohol, anxiety, behavior
problems, binge eating, bloating, bone loss, Candidiasis,
depression, difficulty concentrating, eczema, edema,
emotional problems, fatigue, food cravings, hormonal
problems, hyperactivity, insomnia, mental illness, mood
swings, premature aging, psoriasis, and the list goes on
and on.
Almost every negative influence REFINED sugar has upon the
body, REFINED GRAINS offer an equally negative influence.
If we want to have a strong healthy body, free of physical
problems, we MUST eliminate not only REFINED sugars from
our diet, but also REFINED GRAINS!
Refined grains are one of the starchiest foods consumed by
humans and present an overwhelmingly difficult task for the
digestive system. Refined grains also cause mucus
formation. Since 1965, scientists have repeatedly linked
high gluten consumption, coming from REFINED grains, to
learning disorders and schizophrenia. (Those with gluten
intolerance cannot handle whole grains that contain gluten
Gluten is the "grayish, sticky component of wheat flour
and other grain flours, composed mainly of the proteins
gladin and glutenin" (Webster)
Not all grains contain gluten. Examples of those that do
not contain gluten include millet, amaranth and quinoa.
REFINED grains such as wheat, which is exceptionally high
in gluten, can produce many physical and mental problems,
in addition to celiac disease, which many are aware of.
Problems linked to high gluten intake can include: asthma,
allergies, gluten intolerance, digestive disturbances,
yeast infections, various mucus and congestive
disturbances, several types of arthritis, and even chronic
overeating. (Source: "Grain Damage" by Douglas Graham, D.C.)
REFINED grains are addictive! We have found that when a
person decides to adopt The Hallelujah Diet, REFINED sugar,
along with REFINED grains, are the two most difficult items
to eliminate from the diet - much more difficult than
eliminating animal source foods. WHY? - Because these
sugars have a very powerful addictive influence upon the
body - as powerful as nicotine and alcohol for some.
Another thing we need to remember concerning REFINED
grains is that whenever a food has been fragmented, it is
nutrient-deficient and always results in lower levels of
nutrition and health. This is the case concerning REFINED
grain products. Because REFINED grains do not provide
satisfaction at the cellular level, the body continues to
be hungry - continuing to seek adequate nutrients to
satisfy nutritional needs. This leads to overeating.
Sadly, all these REFINED foods have produced a nation of
overfed, undernourished, predominantly overweight people.
The Hallelujah Diet by comparison, produces a people who
are properly nourished while at the same time consuming a
much lower volume of food. The Hallelujah Diet contributes
to a person being of ideal weight, along with possessing a
healthy, strong physical body, a sound mind, and an
uncompromised immune system.
We need to remember that the immune system was built into
each of our physical bodies to protect us from the germs,
viruses, and bacteria of this world. Our immune system is
our first line of defense! REFINED grains, which convert
very rapidly to sugar, along with REFINED sugar, suppress
the immune system, keeping it from being able to perform
its God given tasks.
Does this not give us a clue as to why so many people
experience infections, colds, the flu, along with other flu
like symptoms, and more? Since this editor adopted a
predominantly raw plant based diet, free of any REFINED
grains or sugars over 32 years ago, I have not experienced
any infections, the flu, or even a cold, not even one time.
Does not the Bible tell us that we will reap what we sow
in Galatians 6:7: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man [or woman] soweth, that shall he [or she]
also reap."
Finally, refined grains are associated with not only
malnutrition and decreased resistance to disease, mental
instability, and being overweight, but REFINED grains
impact our quality of life. REFINED grains cause or
increase the severity of PMS, decrease cognitive or
intellectual function, especially in children, and along
with REFINED sugar also contribute to our current epidemic
of heart disease, and so much more.
Following is just a partial list of other health problems
related to the intake of REFINED grains: Acne, addiction to
drugs including caffeine and alcohol, anxiety, behavior
problems, binge eating, bloating, bone loss, Candidiasis,
depression, difficulty concentrating, eczema, edema,
emotional problems, fatigue, food cravings, hormonal
problems, hyperactivity, insomnia, mental illness, mood
swings, premature aging, psoriasis, and the list goes on
and on.
Almost every negative influence REFINED sugar has upon the
body, REFINED GRAINS offer an equally negative influence.
If we want to have a strong healthy body, free of physical
problems, we MUST eliminate not only REFINED sugars from
our diet, but also REFINED GRAINS!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
We continue our study on Grains with some more of the article from last week's health tip by George Malkamus, founder and owner of Hallelujah Acres.
Sadly, studies reveal a strong link between juvenile and
adult criminal offenses not only to REFINED sugar, but also
REFINED grains. Similar research reveals a link between
mental illness and sugar derived from these REFINED
Hypoglycemic reactions, for the very sensitive consumer,
promote extreme irrationality, emotional instability, and
often times aggressiveness. Recent studies reveal that
sugar, coming from both REFINED sugars and REFINED grains,
may be as involved in mental illness, divorce, and crime as
alcohol has been found to be.
These REFINED grains and sugars, also play a significant
roll in the bad behavior of children. This bad behavior
often leads to a child being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.
And the doctor, rather than telling the parent they need to
remove the cause of the child's problem (REFINED sugars and
REFINED grains), prescribes a drug that can have
potentially devastating consequences.
Through the years, I have received some wonderful
testimonies from mothers reporting that after they removed
REFINED grains, along with REFINED sugar from their child's
diet, and placed them on a basically raw plant-based diet,
the child became a totally different and well-behaved
Depression is also one of the most rapidly growing
problems in our society, and RIFINED sugars, along with
REFINED grains, are a major contributing factor!
Sadly, studies reveal a strong link between juvenile and
adult criminal offenses not only to REFINED sugar, but also
REFINED grains. Similar research reveals a link between
mental illness and sugar derived from these REFINED
Hypoglycemic reactions, for the very sensitive consumer,
promote extreme irrationality, emotional instability, and
often times aggressiveness. Recent studies reveal that
sugar, coming from both REFINED sugars and REFINED grains,
may be as involved in mental illness, divorce, and crime as
alcohol has been found to be.
These REFINED grains and sugars, also play a significant
roll in the bad behavior of children. This bad behavior
often leads to a child being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.
And the doctor, rather than telling the parent they need to
remove the cause of the child's problem (REFINED sugars and
REFINED grains), prescribes a drug that can have
potentially devastating consequences.
Through the years, I have received some wonderful
testimonies from mothers reporting that after they removed
REFINED grains, along with REFINED sugar from their child's
diet, and placed them on a basically raw plant-based diet,
the child became a totally different and well-behaved
Depression is also one of the most rapidly growing
problems in our society, and RIFINED sugars, along with
REFINED grains, are a major contributing factor!
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