Monday, August 11, 2008

Question about Sugar addiction

Here is a question I received that I thought may be a popular one and can benefit you.

Is there a scientific reason humans desire something sweet after a meal or is it just tradition?

Good question. I totally think about this every day. Yes there definately is a reason. Sugar fits into a category called Neurotoxins. These are substances such as refined sugar, salt, msg's etc. that are added to food and are specifically designed to make us addicted to it. It does this by sending messages to the brain that this food is good. So we get a good feeling throughout our bodies just the same is if we smoked, drank alcohol, have sex, or did drugs.. It is just another drug that we can become addicted to. Our brain then connects sugar to feeling good.
SOOO.. if one is used to having sweets after a meal, this tradition will become and addiction. If you were to go a couple of weeks without any sweets, or if you were not raised in this way then you would not desire sweets after a meal.
If you are interested, I have many healthy and natural dessert recipes on my web/blog that will not give the addictive qualities of refined sugar and the like.
Hope this helps. Have a great day.

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