Monday, March 31, 2008

The Dangers of Refined Sugar

The second most dangerous substance we can consume is Refined sugar. The following paragraphs will describe the many harmful effects that refined sugar has in the body. We are talking about refined sugars here and not natural sugars that are found in raw fruits and vegetables from the garden. It is important to note the amount of sugars we are placing in our bodies. The average amount of sugar that a North American eats in a year has risen from five pounds per person per year to over one hundred and fifty pounds per year in the last hundred years. This equates to about FIFTY teaspoons per day that the average American is eating on the Standard Diet. Let’s dive in deeper at how this is causing havoc in our bodies.

As with animal products mentioned before, refined sugar is a dead food that contains no fiber and lacks the enzymes that can break it down in our body. Refined sugar’s original form is from a beet root or sugar cane but by the time we consume it, a surprising process has changed it’s composition. The following is a newsletter written by Charlotte Gerson that will astound you with the process of what sugar goes through.

"Sugar is a basic element in starchy food; however, processed sugar is a completely different matter. The sugar we purchase in the supermarket for personal consumption is processed sugar. This kind of sugar is heated up in chalk-milk, so that calcium and protein are extracted. After the process, it
becomes alkaloid, destroying all vitamin content. In the second phase, the sugar is mixed with acid chalk, carbonic gas, sulfur dioxide, and finally with natrium bicarbonate. The mixture is cooked and cooled off several times and thereafter crystallized and centrifuged. The dead mass is then treated with strontium
hydroxide. Subsequently it arrives at the refinery where it is passed over chalk carbon acid to clean it. Dark coloring is removed by adding sulfuric acid and then it is filtered with bone charcoal. Finally, it is colored with Indathrenblue or the highly toxic Ultramarine. This product's chemical composition is C12H22O11,
which you can buy in shops as 'pure cane' sugar."

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Pat, who lives in New Jersey, had this to say about her
recipe: "Raw and absolutely delicious!"

3 cups distilled water
1 cup raw almonds (soak in distilled water overnight and
1 teaspoon honey
2 cups chopped broccoli
1 avocado
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon chopped onion
1 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt (to taste)
1/2 teaspoon cumin
pinch of cayenne pepper (to taste)

Blend water, almonds, and honey until smooth. Then add in
the rest of the ingredients and blend until creamy. ENJOY!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Debbie Speaks out About Health Care

An interesting letter in which Debi, who had been diagnosed with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, describes her efforts to recover from this debilitating condition
using the current Health Care System of drugs, and then compares it with her experience on The Hallelujah Acres Diet using nutrition to let the body do the healing. I
believe you will find the contrast between the two striking!
I am a 57-year old woman with MULTIPLE
SCLEROSIS. When I first tried The Hallelujah Diet I was fed
up with our 'health care' system. I had been in the
hospital 4 times that year, and had been treated with a 5-
day regimen of steroids on each occasion. I was also taking
13 drugs per day - drugs like morphine, Percocet and
Oxycontin, and still having trouble with MS exacerbations.
Nothing doctors were doing was helping and I was miserable.
I could hardly get through my days.
I was put on complete Social Security disability and had
no hope of anything more in a day's time than lying around,
sleeping, popping drugs, feeling very bad, and of course
being very depressed. That's when I went into a local
Christian bookstore to get a book, any book that might help
me, and found your book The Hallelujah Diet. Then a
stranger heard my MS story and suggested The Hallelujah
Acres website, .
After doing a moderate amount of study, my husband (who
is very supportive) and I adopted The Hallelujah Diet, and
almost immediately set about weaning myself off all the
medications the doctors had me on. It took 2½ months, but
eventually I was even able to discontinue the morphine
patches. On The Hallelujah Diet I gradually got better and
better. We stayed strictly on the diet for 6 months.
Then, a little at a time, I started going back to my old
SAD, until I was completely off The Hallelujah Diet and
back on the meat, sugar, and cooked food diet again. On the
SAD, my symptoms soon returned, and it was back to the
doctors for my 'health care.' First it was one drug, then
two and then more and more until finally I was on 6
different drugs. Finally I said 'NO MORE' to the
neurologists. This gave me a very bad reputation for being
a difficult patient, and this went into my medical records.
Each time a doctor wanted to add another drug I refused
until I ferociously dreaded any future doctor appointment
and was willing to do almost anything to put an end to this
endless drug regimen the doctors insisted I be on.
As you can imagine, the current health care pathway that
doctors take is a very expensive one, but 'insurance pays
for it, right!' It becomes so easy to say to yourself that
the whole world's system of health care can't be wrong, BUT
IT IS! Sadly, I didn't wake up to this until the doctors
wanted to put me on a completely new drug called Tysarbi.
It was controversial, and three out of 2000 die of a brain
disease from this combination therapy. They say there is no
way of knowing who will develop this brain disease or what
causes it, but they prescribed the drug anyway to the tune
of $28,000 per year, because my insurance would pay for it.
My husband and I made the decision to NOT take the drug.
Now we are back on The Hallelujah Diet and will do it
absolutely the best we can, and trust God the best we can.
And again, I will wean myself off the medications and
hopefully never go the doctor and health care system
currently available in America ever again.
Our doctors may
mean well, but they don't know. They are uninformed and are
being taught incorrectly in medical school. The hours they
spend on any type of nutritional education are practically
zilch. They do the best they can, but the truth is that it
is 'we the people' who have given them the ever-increasing
power that they have over us. They think they are God, but
they are not!
We may think that it is expensive to purchase BarleyMax®
and organic carrots, and all the things we need to be
healthy, but the alternative to that is the loss of not
only our health, but also our will. When we no longer can
choose how we spend our day, then we have lost our freedom.
How long will it take us to realize that our health is our
choice? I believe the answer to this issue all boils down
quite simply to education, not government health care, nor
money, but rather educating ourselves to the truth of where
real health care comes from - a healthy diet and God.
Our nation is suffering
the consequences of a burdened health care system, but it
has been 'we the people' who have allowed it to be so.
Until 'we the people' stand up and each personally chose
health, by choosing to put only healthy foods into our
body, nothing will change. Kindest regards and special
thanks, Debi."

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dangers of Animal Foods (Part III)

In order to keep a chicken, for example, safe from disease, antibiotics are pumped into it’s system. These are then transferred to human bodies and can explain Candida and yeast infection problems. Furthermore, our immune system is affected and has more difficulty in performing properly.
In addition to antibiotics, growth hormones are also injected into animals such as chicken in order to promote accelerated growth. The faster they grow, the more farmers can sell. Our bodies are the victim of this money making drug and proof of this can be seen through early puberty in young ladies. Before WW II the average age of puberty was 15 and now is closer to 10 or even 8 years of age. Also, young people are becoming taller , bigger and some girls are developing huge breasts and young ages. All due to growth hormones passed from our milk and meat into our bodies.
If more proof is needed for conviction on this matter, here is a list of diseases which are related to eating a diet full of animal products: heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, numerous cancers (especially breast and prostate), diabetes, arthritis, varicose veins, sinus problems, cardiovascular
problems, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, acid stomach problems, gout, constipation, bad breath, congestion, indigestion, phlegm, PMS, menopausal problems, Crohn’s Disease, Diverticulitis, Diverticulosis, Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, colon cancer, and more. All of these diseases have been known to lessen and even disappear when animal products are removed from the diet. The importance of removing animal foods from the diet cannot be stresses enough. YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dangers of Animal Products (Part II)

Our bodies must be kept in proper acidic balance for the environment to stay in a state that will defend against sickness. Animal products are highly acidic causing the environment of our body to become a breading ground for disease. This is also the main cause of much stomach-pain related problems. Cancerous and toxic cells grow in an acidic environment. A goal can be to consume products which promote an alkaline environment in our bodies where disease cannot survive.
Another huge problem is that animal products are loaded with animal fat. This fat enters our bodies and clogs arteries and blocks passageways. Animal fat is known to be the cause of cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure. Diabetes is also caused by animal fats because it covers cells that block insulin from getting to the receptors. The body must look other places for insulin thus causing an overload and breakdown in other organs. Once animal products are removed from the diet high blood pressure, and cholesterol are lowered and most type 2 diabetics can stop using insulin.
Protein brings up many issues with a vegan diet. It is more important to consider the source of protein rather than the quantity. Animal sources provide much more protein than is necessary in level and promote the growth of cancerous cells. The body does need protein but sufficient amounts can be found in this raw vegan diet. In fact this diet is what gives the animals that we get our protein from all the protein that they need to grow into huge creatures. Look at elephants, cows, giraffes and see what they eat. People who have been on a vegan diet for many years rarely ever show signs of deficiency in protein. The quality of animal does not matter either. An free-range organic chicken is still just as dangerous and not recommended to consume.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Danger of Animal Products

Animal products are considered some of the most toxic and harmful substances we can put into our body. This surprising fact has been cleverly hidden by the agricultural industry as they continually send messages through advertisements that we need to eat them. To add to the problem, most of the menu of major restaurants contain very little options for vegetarians. Furthermore, the options that they call vegetarian are fish or pasta with cheese. This false information and the havoc that animal products have in our body will be discussed in the following section of this lesson.
Food from animals cannot be consumed without cooking , therefore, making it what could be called “dead food“. As seen in lesson one, cooked foods should be kept to between 15-25% of our daily intake. The reason for this is because there are no living enzymes in dead food. Enzymes act to break down the food in the body. The result of not being properly broken down is food staying in the lining of our bowels and petrifying. Think of a raw piece of steak sitting outside in one hundred dregree Fairenheit weather. This is around the internal temperature of our bodies and the food acts in the same manner. This leads to blocking of cells and arteries and build up of fat.
Another reason why food from animal products stays in the body is because there is no fiber in it. Fiber in raw food such as fruits and veggies help push the waste through and out the body. Fiberless animal products stay in the body and cause stomach pains, odor problems and many other colon and digestive problems.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Healthy Dancer's Diet: A Day in the Life

So here we go; The Healthy Dancer’s Diet . Let’s walk through the typical day in the life of a healthy dancer. Upon waking up we will drink at least one cup of water and about half an hour later have our first serving of Barley Max. This is breakfast. We will delve into the reason why adults do not eat breakfast in our Cleansing Lesson. This serving of Barley Max is often compared to and will now replace that coffee in the morning to wake you up. You will soon see why this is true and you will not experience the coffee withdrawl.
As a mid-morning snack we will have our first serving of carrot/veggie juice. Freshly extracted veggie juices will last for about three days in a eight ounce glass jelly jars which can be purchased at your local WalMart or the like. This juice will then last us until lunch time. If hunger creeps up before lunch a piece of juicy fruit (preferably organic) can be consumed.
Half an hour before lunch have a second serving of Barley Max. Half an hour is the recommended wait time before eating lunch as it gives the barley time to work through your system without any interruptions. Lunch will consist of either a fresh fruit or vegetable salad. Eat as much as desired until satisfied. Some will have a few fruits such as a peach and a nectarine or a bunch of strawberries instead of a mixed salad. It is important not to only have one cooked serving of food per day. That can either be consumed now or at dinner. The cooked portion contains foods natural foods such as brown or whole grain rice, pasta, or bread, baked potato, yams, and all varieties of veggies. This is a chance to be creative and more ideas can be found in the various recipes and charts in this course.
The second serving of carrot juice will be consumed mid-afternoon between lunch and dinner. Again half an hour before dinner we will have our third barley max. This is followed by a large vegetable salad. Start with dark leafy greens or spinach (NOT head lettuce) and then add a variety of your favorite veggies. Feel free to make or buy an organic natural dressing to add on top. You may have your cooked portion at this meal if you have not already at lunch. The only exception to having two cooked meals a day is if you are loosing too much weight and need to eat more calories.
After dinner small portions of natural desserts may be consumed but that is all until tomorrow. If hunger arises at night a juicy fruit like an apple or pear may eaten. That’s The Healthy Dancer’s Diet. Managing your diet will give you the body and goals you desire.
Note: The Healthy Dancer’s Diet as stated above is for those individuals who are not fighting a life threatening disease or ailment such as cancer or diabetes. For an individual trying to survive such an illness, the servings of veggie juice and Barley Max must be increased. Instead of having two and three of juices, six servings of each must be consumed. This will give the immune system the strength it needs to fight the disease.
Every individual is different and has different needs. This diet will be your guideline but feel free to discuss ideas a changes with this editor through email or comments on the blog.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Staple on The Healthy Dancer's Diet

Before we get to an example of a how a day on a healthy dancer’s diet looks, a description of some unique products is required. The first and most important of these is Barley Max. Barley Max is one of, if not, the most crucial addition to the diet as it gives the widest spectrum of nutrients from a single plant source.
Barley Max is dehydrated leaves from baby organic barley plants. The crop is grown and harvested at a high elevation in the Rocky Mountains. Barley goes through a similar process as seen when juicing wheatgrass and then it is dehydrated at a low temperature in order to save all the living enzymes. Alfalfa sprout juice is also added to the product and it becomes a very nutritious boost of health.
This product is taken three times a day. One for breakfast and then half an hour before both lunch and dinner. It will replace breakfast for adults and will provide enough nutrients to keep you full as if you had a breakfast. More about breakfast will be discussed in future blogs.
Barley Max is best taken by mixing one teaspoon of the powder into a maximum of four ounces of water. This must be mixed in our mixer or a water bottle that can be closed and shaken. Contact me to order your first container of barley for only sixty cents per day (much less than a cup of coffee.) It is available in one or two month supplies.

Friday, March 21, 2008


2 cups of chopped kale OR spinach
1/2 avocado
1 ripe banana
Juice of one lemon
1-2 cups distilled water

Place all ingredients in a blender with enough water to
make the smoothie liquid enough to drink through a straw if
desired, and blend until smooth.

Mid-morning is an excellent time for those who would like to eat something
containing fiber during the morning hours, or to have a
tasty and nutrient dense late breakfast or snack. GREEN
SMOOTHIES combine a sweet fruit with sometimes not so sweet
greens and make a very tasty combination. GREEN SMOOTHIES
are also an excellent way to get more nutrient dense greens
into the diet

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lost Four Dress Sizes AND Fibromyalgia

Betty, from Michigan, writes "I was so excited when I read the book by George Malkumus: God's Way to Ultimate Health. Everyone should read this book, as it has changed my life. I have learned so much! As a result of adopting the diet, I no longer have FIBROMYALGIA, and gone from a size 9 to a size 4, and my health is now great,and I tell everyone.”

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sparkle and Shine with Living Foods. (Part III)

There are two types of juicers available; masticating and centrifugal. A centrifugal juicer has a spinning basket of blades that shreds the vegetables. The price is generally lower and can be found in main stream shopping stores such as WalMart or Target. Do not use these ones becaues they create a process called oxidation. This is caused by the spinning of the basket at a very high rate. The oxygen in the air actually mixes up with the process and nutrients are lost. Buy masticating juicers such as the Green Star or Champion brand. These grind the veggies and much lower speeds with two axel blades. As much as ninety percent of the nutrients are kept this way.

If you would like to wait to invest in a juicer, an option is to purchase a supplement called Carrot or Beet Max. These products are dehydrated juices from fresh organic beets or carrots. Dehydration dries out the juice at a temperature less than 106 degrees, therefore keeping all the living enzymes in the veggies. Another alternative is to have carrot or celery sticks. Freshly extracted juices from a Green Star juicer, however, will provide you with the most nutrients possible.

The body can only assimilate eight ounces of vegetable juice at a time. This equals to 250 mL or one cup of veggie per serving. It is recommended to juice two thirds carrots and the other third dark colored vegetables such as beets, leaf lettuce or spinach, celery, cucumber or many more. Apples are a natural sweetener and make a tasty treat.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sparkle and Shine with Living Foods. (Part II)

A very funny video that plays on the add “got milk” can be found on my blog. I invite you to have a quick look at it
by clicking here
Instead of getting a white mustache a glass of milk, a healthier choice would be to see orange mustache from carrot juice. The juice of a RAW vegetable or fruit contains the life force of that food which can be used at cellular level to reach our immune system and be transformed into cell building materials transported all over our body.

The process of juicing separates the food into two entities; fiber(pulp) and juice. Although the occasional fruit can be juiced, a good rule of thumb is to eat your fruits and juice your veggies. Fruits are the cleansers and veggies are the healers. In our carrot example, a juicing machine will grind the carrot and separate the juice. We then drink this juice and our bodies can digest it much more naturally than if we ate it and we receive almost all the nutritional value from that carrot.

If we were to simply eat the carrot our body is only benefiting from around ten percent of its nutrients. Most of the nutritional value is lost in the process of digesting. After entering the mouth we use energy to chew the food as it breaks down the food into pieces small enough to follow the tubes into our stomach. Once there, acids in our stomach now have to break it down even more. Only then, after using up energy and loosing nutritional value throughout , can the carrot be separated making the juice available for the cells. A juicing machine does this process for you will give you as much as 900% more nutrients to your immune system. The natural blast of nutrients you receive from an eight ounce glass of carrot juice will not only fill your hunger but also send you leaping across the stage.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sparkle and Shine with Living Foods. (Part I)

For a strong body to be achieved we must replace our dying cells with living cells from living foods. Living foods are foods that, like us, are breathing organisms in the original state they were created in. RAW vegetables, fruits, seeds, grains, ect. are examples of foods that are living foods. The secret is, however, that they must be RAW for them to have any positive building affect at cellular level.

Take a carrot for example. A carrot is grown and has life building enzymes as part of it’s structure. These come from the nutrients in the soil and grow with the sun and water. If, after plucking the carrot , we then cook it, we have just destroyed all the enzymes that help this carrot break down in our body. It is now dead and can provide very little nutrients to us at cell level.

There’s a story in the news about a woman who left her infant in the car after coming home from the grocery store on a hot summer day. She went into to watch a television program and left the infant in the car for a period of about 90 minutes. When she finally remembered and rushed to the car the child was unconscious. Mom rushed the child to the hospital where the doctors revealed an inner temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The child survived. In a similar story a few months later a child was left in a car for the same time and was unconscious when the mother found it. After rushing the infant to the hospital the baby was found to have an inside temperature of 107 degrees. The child did not survive. How does this relate to food?

Living food like living humans die in the same way. The key number here is 106 degrees Fahrenheit. Any living cell that raises above this temperature will cease to live. Since there are very little cooking appliances that can heat something under this temperature, most of what the average American consumes is dead lifeless food. The majority of our diet needs to be consisting of raw fruits , vegetables, nuts, and grains. On top of this, there is one more staple for our diet that is the key of life building in our body.

Raw Spanish Gazpacho Soup

This raw recipe comes from Renee Lobo who lives in Spain. Renee writes: “This is an adaptation of a traditional recipe from southern Spain, called ‘Gazpacho.’ It’s a cold, raw, vegetable soup that is especially popular in the hot summer months here in Spain.

1 pound of peeled tomatoes
1/2 pound long ‘Italian’ green peppers (cut in large pieces)
1/2 pound peeled cucumbers (cut in large pieces)
1/2 sweet red pepper (cut in large pieces)
3 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Celtic Sea Salt to taste
1 to 2 cups of distilled water
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

Mix all ingredients together in a blender or food processor to desired consistency (course or fine). Add olive oil and stir with a whisk. Cover and chill for at least 2 hours before serving. This soup can be served with finely chopped cucumbers, onion, and green pepper added if desired. ENJOY!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Marriage of Healing

From Health Minister Larry Jones in Unionville, Missouri(
never go the surgery, chemo, and radiation route?"

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Self Healing Body (Part III): Results

When life giving food is eaten, we literally eat life. It is passed from one to the other. Living enzymes from the food pass into our body in their natural organic form. An increase of energy level will occur as the immune system gradually boosts itself and sends energy to the necessary cells of our body. Some have noticed a double portion of energy including those over forty who feel this remarkable change has given them the most energy they have ever received.

Many folks who have adopted this new way of eating have seen “incurable diseases” disappear. Thousands of testimonies are emailed in that describe how people of all ages have seen cancer, diabetes, and over forty other ailments disappear. The diet change has even had great success with AIDS. This simple change in diet is surprising to most until they understand that doctors specialize in treating symptoms. Despite this, disease is still here while trillions of dollars of our tax money is spent on health care. We must open our minds to an alternative way and get educated about this nutrition.

Finally the most exciting benefit of this food change is all the weight that just literally off your body. There have been many folks who easily loose upwards of fifty percent of their body weight if need be. The best part is that this is all done naturally and will keep you feeling whole and happy while being able to eat a variety of your favorite foods. So let’s get to what those foods are and how they work to create our self-healing body.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Self Healing Body (Part II): Immune System

The immune system is the power plant of our body. Like the generators of a city electrical system, our immune system provides is the hub where power to light up our body begin from. If we can build our immune system, the rest will fall into place and we will see the wonder of our self-healing body.

A unique perspective of how are body is made will give the secret to understanding the ingredients to our self-healing process. Every organ, tissue, muscle, ect. Is made up of cells. Just as all things on the earth are. In fact our bodies are made up of hundreds of trillions of these little guys. These cells are constantly dying and replacing at a rate of about three million per minute. In one year, all of the cells in your body will have died and are replaced with new ones. Now here’s the secret. We need to replace the cells that die with LIVING cells from living food. Simple? Actually it is but unfortunately we have been mislead in our teaching and need to gain a new perspective.

We are taught that it is so very important to eat a balanced diet of grains, meats, drink our milk, ect. This is what we call the four food groups and these teachings are funded by money making giants such as the Drug Companies and the Agriculture industry. Friends, there is a another way. A more natural, body friendly way. And when we do this we will see results that have never before been possible.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Self Healing Body (Part I): The Beginning of Life

From the very beginning of our life the body is designed to grow with the building blocks of natural material. In our mother’s womb we feed our bodies through the umbilical cord. The nutrients from mom pass through and enter out body. After we are born the cord is cut but immediately and, like most mammals on earth, we find nutrients in mom through her milk. This is the way we were designed to be built and, depending on how healthy mom is, so is the process. It is after this point that man tries to improve on the plan from our creator.

Usually far too early we wean our children off mom and onto a bottle. The goal should be to keep the child on mother’s milk for as long as possible. Some have reported being on mom’s milk until year two. We, for what ever reason, take them off sooner and feed them with cow’s milk. Do you realize that we are the only species on earth that drinks another creatures milk? The dangers of dairy products will be discussed later in the book. Suffice to say this is where our allergies, sickness and ultimately the breakdown of the physical body begins.

The body will not breakdown quietly however. We may experience pains or rashes that translate into crying, skin disorders, and a variety of other ailments. Think about the following question. Are we born wearing eye glasses? Of, course not, but this is yet another symptom of our body deteriorating. So how do we respond? We rush off to the doctor. Although doctors are very intelligent and important in dealing with injuries or emergencies, they specialize in treatment of symptoms. The problem with this is that we are prescribed toxic and poisonous drugs that, may quiet down our bodies natural alarm system, cause more problems in the process. Sadly, this process repeats itself over the course of our young life and carries itself through to adolescence where life becomes survival of the fittest. But this depressing scene doesn’t have to be your story. Thank God, we were created with an immune system. We just need to learn how to use this incredible mechanism to naturally care for our body.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Faith in Desserts!

I want to clear up some facts about the desserts you are eating! Sugar free means that there is no REFINED sugar in the substance you are eating. That’s s good choice because refined sugar is not in it’s natural form. It is man-made and is exposed to a process of whitening that is similar to bleaching it. A substance similar to Clorox Bleach changes natural crystalline to a bleached white toxic substance. Although this appears to bet a healthier choice, unfortunately poison is just replaced with equal or worse poison. Friends, most things engineered by man are not natural and will cause havoc on the body.
Instead of using refined or even natural sugar, these “sugar free” goodies are loaded with another poison to sweeten it. God forbid, we can’t survive without sweetner!!!! So in goes chemically engineered products like Sorbitol, Aspartamate, Xylotol.. I mean really.. If you can’t spell it… DON’T EAT IT!!! That is a safe rule of thumb to live by. Along with this, the cookies and cakes will also have bleached white flour (same fun process as sugar), eggs (full of antibiotics and growth hormones) as well as a bunch of other things I can’t spell or pronounce… Aren’t you looking forward to your next sweet!!!
Good News: There are alternate goodies that you can have that are more natural and won’t harm your body. A few examples are Panda Licorice, Vegan Cookies, Newman’s Fig Newton, Annie’s Teddy Graham’s and my wife’s personal favorite Nature’s Gate POP TARTS!!!!… just to name a few. Take a look at your organic health food store and enjoy a healthier choice.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Mid-morning is an excellent time for those who would like
to eat something containing fiber during the morning hours,
to have a tasty and nutrient dense late breakfast or snack.
Green Smoothie's combine a sweet fruit with sometimes not
so sweet greens and make a very tasty combination. Green
Smoothies are also an excellent way to get more nutrient
dense greens into the diet. Try this one, and see how tasty
green smoothies can be:

2-3 cups of chopped kale OR spinach
2 apples cored, peeled, and quartered
1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
1 1/2 cups distilled water (organic apple juice could be
used here)
1/2 inch fresh ginger (optional)

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Should be liquid enough to drink through a straw if
desired. (Fiber Cleanse, B-Flax-D(TM), or freshly ground
flax seed could be added during blending.) ENJOY!


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Fill the Hunger Gap Naturally and Permanently!

Why does hunger creep up on you two hours after a big meal? Let me explain! The answer lies the mechanics of your body. When you eat a carrot, your body goes through a series of steps called digestion. The carrot enters the mouth and eventually drops down into the stomach where your organs break it down. This sucks energy from the body and by the time you finish the digestive process your body is only utilizing around 10%(at the most) of the nutrients that it needs from that carrot. That is only if you are eating RAW food. Cooked foods lack the enzymes, the food’s natural source to break itself down, because they are destroyed in high temperature cooking(anything above 107 degrees Fahrenheit). Therefore, the cooked carrot is dead and the molecular structure has been changed leaving it non-organic.. NO USE.
The most effective way to fill that hunger gap is to have freshly extracted juices from RAW vegetables such as carrots, beets, and dark greens. Juicing makes digestion much easier on the body. By taking the fiber out of the veggie and keeping just the juice it fills our bodies with living cells containing the life force enzymes we hunger for. Then the body does not have to waste energy separating the fiber and the juice will flow right into the blood stream within minutes and can be used to rebuild those cells that have died. These new cells will be much stronger than the ones they have replaced because they are full of the nutrients that come from the foods organic natural form. Drinking an 8oz glass of vegetable juice gives similar alertness as coffee or Red Bull but you will not aid your body in degenerating in the process!!! Give it a try and email me the result.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Testimonies of Healing by Health Minister Carrie Pressnell

When Ed and I came to Hallelujah Acres for yourFirst Saturday-of-the-month seminar on June 5, 2004, Ed hadSTOMACH CANCER and the doctors were telling him he musthave surgery and chemotherapy. He did neither, but ratheradopted The Hallelujah Diet the very next day afterattending your seminar. WITHIN 3-MONTHS THE CANCER WAS IN A'PRE-CANCEROUS' STAGE AND A LATER PET SCAN FOUND NO CANCERIN HIS BODY. We thank you for your message and thank theLord for the self-healing body He has given each of us. Webecame Health Ministers in November 2004 and have been ableto impact many lives. We have lots of testimonies to sharefrom people that have experienced various healings as aresult of adopting The Hallelujah Diet. Next to the messageof salvation, this is the best information we can impart toothers."

Monday, March 3, 2008

Two Week Taste Bud Challenge!!!

Neurotoxins or Excito-toxins are ingredients added to our food to give them the illusion of better taste. Addictions to sugar, salt, and MSG run rampant because we think our food is bland and yucky without that. Candy Bar manufacturers, for example, know this little weakness and rob our wallets with everything they manufacture. Neurotoxins work by sending messages to the brain that tell us that what we eat tastes yummy and we can‘t go another day without it. Good taste makes us feel great (sound familiar?). This secret formula deceives our mind as it sends out happy emotions. The brain registers and programs our emotions to remember that certain foods make us happy. So what’s wrong with that?
EVERYTHING!!!!!! What is making us overweight? Where are diabetes and cancer originating from? Don’t blame it on your parents!! I challenge you to test your taste buds. Can you live without coke, snickers, Doritos, and M&M‘s for a month. If your answer is no… YOU ARE A VICTIM.. You don’t see people crying. “I’m addicted to carrots”.. “I can’t live without my broccoli or apples”. (accept for my clients.. Of course.. LOL).
Your taste buds are cells that die and replace very frequently because the cells You will have new taste buds in two weeks. So try it!! Test your taste buds for the next two weeks. Cut out candy, chips, chocolate, soft drinks, coffee and instead have RAW fruits for sweets, and veggies (especially veggie juice for that hunger). Then email me and tell me what you experience.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Flu Symptoms Gone Naturally

I started The Hallelujah Diet on October 4, 2007 and I am writing you on October 18th, just two weeks since making the diet change.In just two weeks, my ALLERGIES AND ASTHMA, FOR WHICH I WAS TAKING MEDICATION DAILY, HAVE CLEARED and I have almost no coughing or sinus congestion and have not had to take any medication since starting the diet. Prior to the diet change, A FINGER ON MY RIGHT HAND, WHICH FOR YEARS WOULD PAINFULLY LOCK SEVERAL TIMES A DAY, HAS NOT LOCKED SINCE THE DIET CHANGE. I also had to have at least 8 hours sleep or else waking was difficult, but NOW I SLEEP ONLY ABOUT 6- HOURS AND WAKE UP EASILY AND CLEAR HEADED.In addition, I HAVE LOST 6-POUNDS IN JUST 2-WEEKS, and I could go on and on about the improvements I have experienced since making the diet change. But one more thing, the cost of eating The Hallelujah Diet way is much less expensive because I need so much less food in order to feel full. God bless you and may you continue to help and bless many others."