If a vegan resturant cannot be found or you are invited to a part that you have not chosen the restaurant, remembering these tips can help you stay healthy.
* 90% of restaurants have a house salad or a variation of some sort of salad. Try to include a salad in the meal. Stake houses and other buffets also sometimes have a salad bar. You could always order one of the featured salads less the meat. A good idea is to always have dressing on the side and prefferabley a vinegerette dressing.
* Try having an appetizer as a main course after the salad. Also look for the section of the menu that says "sides". There are usually selections of seasonal veggies or a baked potato.
* Try to save drinking until after the meal in order to digest the food properly.
* Remember most desserts are full of sugar and animal products. If you have something like an apple pie, ask them to hold the ice cream.
* Have a happy Healthy Day!!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Izze Pops : Alternative to Coke, Soda Pops, and Soft Drinks

Yesterday I wrote about the dangers of coke but I'm not going to leave you with just the bad. The good news is that Izze sodas are completely natural and are perfectly fine for you. Of course you wouldn't want to have three or four a day. They do contain sugars in fruits and too much of any kind of sugar can be bad for the system. But these pops are completely sugar free.. non of that artificial sugar so it is the perfect alternative. Izze pops are just fruit concentrate and water. You can find Izze Pops in your local health food store and they come in many different flavours.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Watch out for Health Warnings on Cans of Coke. The next Cigarette!!

Perhaps coke and other soda pops will become the next "cigarette". It wouldn't be a surprise to see the same labels that warn us about the dangers in nicotine showing up on cans of cola. Cola is a toxic to the system because if the huge amounts of refined sugar it provides. This can cause all kinds of breakdowns in the body including a suppression of our self healing immune system. Try to stay away from pops that have caffeine and lots of sugar. A good alternative is IZZE natural fruit drinks. They have no sugar at all besides the natural occurring sugar in the various fruit selections they offer.
Have a happy healthy day.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Take Control of your Health. Live The Best Quality of Life
Vacation part 2 is now coming to a close and it has been like night and day as far as health is concerned. We are in a small town where the awareness of health is just a dim light. It is mostly made up of retired people who are set in their ways about eating and living. This has caused angry feelings in my body through out the week but culminated last night in a conversation with my dad. That led me to write about this once again.
Dad and I were discussing a couple of close friends that had either died or suffered painful strokes or anurisms. I felt sympathy towards these people but what really got me going was that my dad's response was "Really gotta live for today". Now generally I would commend such a statement and would actually encourage that to live for the moment. However, in this conversation this seemed like another ignorant remark disregarding any notion that the disease these people suffered and died from had anything to do with their health.
Around ninety percent of physical problems leading to death are induced by the foods we eat and the lifestyle we live. I am so shocked when I hear people like dad give no recognition that diet and lifestyle has anything to do with it. I have come to realize that people are very set in their ways and that the culture of the past generation has pointed to other things to sustain health. Unfortunately most of us know that this is not working. Where is the cure for cancer, aids, and so on? And things are just getting worse. I would have thought that if someone close to me dies to cancer or heart attack that I would take a look at my life.
Perhaps some people think that is just the way it is. Perhaps because most of all deaths are caused by cancer and heart conditions, it just seems to people common place. But there is a sense of helplessness in the air and that just isn't true.
You can take control of your health, you can decide the quality of life. You may not be able to know when you die but we do have control, to some extent, of the quality of life we have before we die. And chances are we will live and enjoy life longer and have a more peaceful death.
My grandmother just died last month and although it was sort of peaceful, I know that the last few months (and years for that matter) were quite painful. We don't have to live like that. The benchmark of the Hallelujiah Acres company is based on this one quote. "YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE SICK".
Dad and I were discussing a couple of close friends that had either died or suffered painful strokes or anurisms. I felt sympathy towards these people but what really got me going was that my dad's response was "Really gotta live for today". Now generally I would commend such a statement and would actually encourage that to live for the moment. However, in this conversation this seemed like another ignorant remark disregarding any notion that the disease these people suffered and died from had anything to do with their health.
Around ninety percent of physical problems leading to death are induced by the foods we eat and the lifestyle we live. I am so shocked when I hear people like dad give no recognition that diet and lifestyle has anything to do with it. I have come to realize that people are very set in their ways and that the culture of the past generation has pointed to other things to sustain health. Unfortunately most of us know that this is not working. Where is the cure for cancer, aids, and so on? And things are just getting worse. I would have thought that if someone close to me dies to cancer or heart attack that I would take a look at my life.
Perhaps some people think that is just the way it is. Perhaps because most of all deaths are caused by cancer and heart conditions, it just seems to people common place. But there is a sense of helplessness in the air and that just isn't true.
You can take control of your health, you can decide the quality of life. You may not be able to know when you die but we do have control, to some extent, of the quality of life we have before we die. And chances are we will live and enjoy life longer and have a more peaceful death.
My grandmother just died last month and although it was sort of peaceful, I know that the last few months (and years for that matter) were quite painful. We don't have to live like that. The benchmark of the Hallelujiah Acres company is based on this one quote. "YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE SICK".
Monday, May 26, 2008
Steps to Peaceful Meditation
This can help to relax the mind and body.
A relaxed state of stillness is a great way to start the day and make decisions in your life. Becoming aware of who you are beyond your thoughts can be very empowering.
* Find a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed. Sit in a chair or cross-legged on the a cushion on the floor. Close your eyes.
* Become aware of your breathing. The rush of air in and out of the nose. Be aware of how the chest rises up and down with each breath.
* If thoughts arise this is perfectly normal. Congrats you are meditating. Instead of fighting the thoughts or giving into them and thinking more about it, simply be aware of the thought. Acknowledge is presence and then turn awareness back to the breath.
* If you find that you are thinking about something for a few seconds or minutes, that is okay to. The moment you are ware that you are thinking of something is the moment you return to meditation. Again turn you attention to your breath.
* See if you can sense the inner feeling of the body. Starting with the hands. Say to yourself "How do I know I have hands?". Without thinking about it, try to feel the hands. Do this with the rest of the body and see if you can eventually feel the whole body as one energy field.
* If emotions or feelings arise feel the sensations of the feelings. Try to just feel them and not make a story or connection in your mind to a person or situation. Try not to label it as anger, fear, anxiety... If that happens return to the breath and try to sense the sensations of the feeling.
* Start with about 5 minutes a day and then you may want to work up to 20-30 minutes per day.
A relaxed state of stillness is a great way to start the day and make decisions in your life. Becoming aware of who you are beyond your thoughts can be very empowering.
* Find a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed. Sit in a chair or cross-legged on the a cushion on the floor. Close your eyes.
* Become aware of your breathing. The rush of air in and out of the nose. Be aware of how the chest rises up and down with each breath.
* If thoughts arise this is perfectly normal. Congrats you are meditating. Instead of fighting the thoughts or giving into them and thinking more about it, simply be aware of the thought. Acknowledge is presence and then turn awareness back to the breath.
* If you find that you are thinking about something for a few seconds or minutes, that is okay to. The moment you are ware that you are thinking of something is the moment you return to meditation. Again turn you attention to your breath.
* See if you can sense the inner feeling of the body. Starting with the hands. Say to yourself "How do I know I have hands?". Without thinking about it, try to feel the hands. Do this with the rest of the body and see if you can eventually feel the whole body as one energy field.
* If emotions or feelings arise feel the sensations of the feelings. Try to just feel them and not make a story or connection in your mind to a person or situation. Try not to label it as anger, fear, anxiety... If that happens return to the breath and try to sense the sensations of the feeling.
* Start with about 5 minutes a day and then you may want to work up to 20-30 minutes per day.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Q & A with Chris about diet and nutrition
I've been coresponding with Chris who is very happy to have found someone to chat with about nutrition and lifestyle. I thought I would but this on the blog as she had some great questions that I attempted to answers. Hope you like it.
Hello again. Yes I am very excited tooo.. knowing that there are people that are health conscious is super!!
In a message dated 5/22/2008 6:38:29 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, cschudy@yahoo.com writes:
Hi Dean! excuse me for a minute while i run around the building!! I SOOOOO know about halleujah acres!! and barley max!! and all things that they stand for (God and health and veggies). I'm glad to hear about your stand on Barley max too--in fact i just ordered some from their site last week. I thought about recommending that too my body building friend--i think you just convinced me i need to do that.
- Yes Barley is quite good for energy and repairing muscles. I hope that it goes well with your friends. I can get some for you if you would like!!
I'm so excited we are on the same page. so, here are my 20 questions (ok, maybe only a couple):
1. May I use you as a resource for information? will you help me teach others?
- I would be more than happy to help in any way I can. That is my passion right now!! To help others with health and wellness. I will soon be releasing a program called "the Power Performance Program". It is a seven lesson course that teaches optimal health. The lessons include diet, living foods, dead foods, exercise, spirituality, and many other things. I will let you know more about that when it is released.
2. Do you recommend a digestive aid for body builders? (it seems with all the powdered and other protein they try to consume, they may benefit? I myself use the product hacres has, but also, I connect with dr. robbins in Tulsa, who has a similar product)
It is important for these guys to have living enzymes in their diet to rebuild their cells. Yes Barley and especially veggie juicing will help. There is also a product called a survival bar which is totally vegan and has over 10 grams of protein in it. This product is excellent and I can get that for you as well.
The problem with most protein shakes is that they have WAY too much protein which causes havoc on the stomach and body. This protein comes mostly from animal products which lead to cancerous cells in the body. Also all the additives including vitamins and minerals are at such a high quantity that they leave deposits in the joints and bones because the body cannot assimlate all of it. This leads to osteo related problems like arthritis. Hope this helps.
3. are you a health minister? a Christian?
Yes I am a Christian and have been an health minister for over three years now. I have never felt better in all of my life. For my ministry/business, I am trying to focus on the health message as I find a lot of people won't even listen to you when you bring up religion. I think no matter what religion you are, God would want all people to live the best quality of life and enjoy the self - healing body he created. That is why I am creating my own courses and material but still use the amazing resources and products and Hallelujiah Acres.
4. where do you live?
I am currently working on board a cruise ship as an entertainer. I am Canadian and may be moving to Vancouver soon. What about you?
5. how does your family react to your eating style? I think I'm about 75% raw and i am a juice fanatic. in fact, I hope to have or help run a vegan restaurant/juice bar cafe (like hacres) someday up here in wisconsin... we totally need one here! I am a designer/art director at an ad agency now, but I am taking classes to become a natural health counselor..hopefully by this time next year,, which will hopefully lead me toward that goal.
- congrats on all your success. The world is lucky to have someone like you around. At first my family really didn't understand but I have seen changes in their diet. See the thing is that once you bring awareness, people notice that and it spreads like wildfire. No they haven't completely given up all the things I have and eat the same way but as they get older and the body starts to break down, they may become more conscious. I am super lucky to have a wife who stands by this diet and follows it with me. In fact we were trained as health ministers together. I am 29 and she is 24. I think we were the youngest couple ever to become health ministers.
6. have you ever taken any of the culinary classes at hacres?
- We had some training in our Health Minister Training. My wife is from Shelby where George Malkumus and Hallelujiah Acres is located. We may take some but I have been in the food business for a while and am very creative so we'll see.
7. what kind of dance do you coach?
- I am a professional dancer and have been for over twenty years. I trained in all styles of dance including jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, and many others. For the last ten years I have been dancing on and off cruise ships as well as performing in many musicals all over Canada. After taking the health minister course three years ago I decided I wanted to bring that into my career and try to help. It is quite challenging being on a cruise and starting something so we are planning to move to Vancouver. I am have finished writing and will soon release the Power Performance Program.
8. how do you help others nutritionally? my friend has actually asked for my input, but, fights me on the no meat issue. calls me his "nutritionist" but is cautious about the information. i kinda like the challenge because, from a health perspective, God has taught me soooo much about nutrition through people like yourself and i just can't wait to give back...
- This may be blunt but, so forgive me, but animal products are one of the most dangerous things that can be put into the body and are the leading cause of cancer, diabetes, arthritis and many more. First of all they are cooked so they provide almost no nutrients. Although they may have protein, because they are cooked, the molecular structure of the protein changes and is left pretty much unusable.
I have written about this issue on my blog.. please visit http://healthydietandoptimalliving.wordpress.com/2008/03/25/dangers-of-animal-products/
Be sure to read parts two and three as well.. Hopefully this will give you more of an idea of what animals do when in our body. I think it helps for people to really understand how their body is affected. But always remember , YOU cant change your friend. HE has to change because he is compelled to. All you can do is be there for them. In fact just being is probably the most effective strategy. People will surprise you because they notice a lot more than they let on. Keep doing what your doing. It will happen when it happens.
Hello again. Yes I am very excited tooo.. knowing that there are people that are health conscious is super!!
In a message dated 5/22/2008 6:38:29 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, cschudy@yahoo.com writes:
Hi Dean! excuse me for a minute while i run around the building!! I SOOOOO know about halleujah acres!! and barley max!! and all things that they stand for (God and health and veggies). I'm glad to hear about your stand on Barley max too--in fact i just ordered some from their site last week. I thought about recommending that too my body building friend--i think you just convinced me i need to do that.
- Yes Barley is quite good for energy and repairing muscles. I hope that it goes well with your friends. I can get some for you if you would like!!
I'm so excited we are on the same page. so, here are my 20 questions (ok, maybe only a couple):
1. May I use you as a resource for information? will you help me teach others?
- I would be more than happy to help in any way I can. That is my passion right now!! To help others with health and wellness. I will soon be releasing a program called "the Power Performance Program". It is a seven lesson course that teaches optimal health. The lessons include diet, living foods, dead foods, exercise, spirituality, and many other things. I will let you know more about that when it is released.
2. Do you recommend a digestive aid for body builders? (it seems with all the powdered and other protein they try to consume, they may benefit? I myself use the product hacres has, but also, I connect with dr. robbins in Tulsa, who has a similar product)
It is important for these guys to have living enzymes in their diet to rebuild their cells. Yes Barley and especially veggie juicing will help. There is also a product called a survival bar which is totally vegan and has over 10 grams of protein in it. This product is excellent and I can get that for you as well.
The problem with most protein shakes is that they have WAY too much protein which causes havoc on the stomach and body. This protein comes mostly from animal products which lead to cancerous cells in the body. Also all the additives including vitamins and minerals are at such a high quantity that they leave deposits in the joints and bones because the body cannot assimlate all of it. This leads to osteo related problems like arthritis. Hope this helps.
3. are you a health minister? a Christian?
Yes I am a Christian and have been an health minister for over three years now. I have never felt better in all of my life. For my ministry/business, I am trying to focus on the health message as I find a lot of people won't even listen to you when you bring up religion. I think no matter what religion you are, God would want all people to live the best quality of life and enjoy the self - healing body he created. That is why I am creating my own courses and material but still use the amazing resources and products and Hallelujiah Acres.
4. where do you live?
I am currently working on board a cruise ship as an entertainer. I am Canadian and may be moving to Vancouver soon. What about you?
5. how does your family react to your eating style? I think I'm about 75% raw and i am a juice fanatic. in fact, I hope to have or help run a vegan restaurant/juice bar cafe (like hacres) someday up here in wisconsin... we totally need one here! I am a designer/art director at an ad agency now, but I am taking classes to become a natural health counselor..hopefully by this time next year,, which will hopefully lead me toward that goal.
- congrats on all your success. The world is lucky to have someone like you around. At first my family really didn't understand but I have seen changes in their diet. See the thing is that once you bring awareness, people notice that and it spreads like wildfire. No they haven't completely given up all the things I have and eat the same way but as they get older and the body starts to break down, they may become more conscious. I am super lucky to have a wife who stands by this diet and follows it with me. In fact we were trained as health ministers together. I am 29 and she is 24. I think we were the youngest couple ever to become health ministers.
6. have you ever taken any of the culinary classes at hacres?
- We had some training in our Health Minister Training. My wife is from Shelby where George Malkumus and Hallelujiah Acres is located. We may take some but I have been in the food business for a while and am very creative so we'll see.
7. what kind of dance do you coach?
- I am a professional dancer and have been for over twenty years. I trained in all styles of dance including jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, and many others. For the last ten years I have been dancing on and off cruise ships as well as performing in many musicals all over Canada. After taking the health minister course three years ago I decided I wanted to bring that into my career and try to help. It is quite challenging being on a cruise and starting something so we are planning to move to Vancouver. I am have finished writing and will soon release the Power Performance Program.
8. how do you help others nutritionally? my friend has actually asked for my input, but, fights me on the no meat issue. calls me his "nutritionist" but is cautious about the information. i kinda like the challenge because, from a health perspective, God has taught me soooo much about nutrition through people like yourself and i just can't wait to give back...
- This may be blunt but, so forgive me, but animal products are one of the most dangerous things that can be put into the body and are the leading cause of cancer, diabetes, arthritis and many more. First of all they are cooked so they provide almost no nutrients. Although they may have protein, because they are cooked, the molecular structure of the protein changes and is left pretty much unusable.
I have written about this issue on my blog.. please visit http://healthydietandoptimalliving.wordpress.com/2008/03/25/dangers-of-animal-products/
Be sure to read parts two and three as well.. Hopefully this will give you more of an idea of what animals do when in our body. I think it helps for people to really understand how their body is affected. But always remember , YOU cant change your friend. HE has to change because he is compelled to. All you can do is be there for them. In fact just being is probably the most effective strategy. People will surprise you because they notice a lot more than they let on. Keep doing what your doing. It will happen when it happens.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Udo's Oil for Cognitive Brain Skills

Today I wanted to mention Udo's Oil. For those of you who have not heard about this, It is a product that is a vegan suppliment giving you essential omega oils including 3,6,and 9. This oils are found in fish but are much healthier in this formula of flax seed oil as well as plenty other seeds and grain oils. Omega Oils are important for the functioning of the brain. Our brains are made up of hundreds of billions of neurons that control our body, emotions, and so on. Omega Oils found in Udo's oil help to keep everything running smoothly. You will feel alert and smart in class at work or where ever. This is especially important to women who are pregnant as it will help the quality of brain developed in the child.
Email me and we'll get you hooked up with your Udo's Oil.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Strawberry Parfait Dessert

4 cups quartered strawberries (set aside in a bowl)
The Cream
2 cups strawberries
6 Medjool dates, pitted and soaked 4-6 hours (save soaking
1/2 cup pecans OR almonds (preferably soaked over night and
Agave Nectar OR Maple Syrup OR Date Sugar OR Stevia to
taste (Pick one)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla
Place all of "The Cream" ingredients in a blender andjavascript:void(0)
Publish Post
process until creamy, adding date soaking water if needed.
Taste and add sweetener if needed. Fill parfait glasses
with alternating layers of "cream" and quartered
strawberries. Chill, serve, & ENJOY!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Pastor Wilfred Writes about Healing
"I did the diet faithfully for three straight months, and while on the diet
my arthritis disappeared, as did a persistent cough, I lost
weight, and even some bad cuts healed, all without any
medication. Sadly, after experiencing all these
improvements in my health, I went back to my traditional
habits of eating, and my arthritis came back, and I am now
obese. Since originally making the diet change I have
refrained myself from eating meat because every time I ate
it my arthritis got worse, but I never associated my
continuing arthritis pain with my consuming cow milk. I
always thought cow milk to be healthy. I have been a heavy
drinker of cow milk, until I read in last week's Health Tip
that 'Milk Does the Body BAD'."
Pastor Wilfredo, Bible Baptist
Church, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines
my arthritis disappeared, as did a persistent cough, I lost
weight, and even some bad cuts healed, all without any
medication. Sadly, after experiencing all these
improvements in my health, I went back to my traditional
habits of eating, and my arthritis came back, and I am now
obese. Since originally making the diet change I have
refrained myself from eating meat because every time I ate
it my arthritis got worse, but I never associated my
continuing arthritis pain with my consuming cow milk. I
always thought cow milk to be healthy. I have been a heavy
drinker of cow milk, until I read in last week's Health Tip
that 'Milk Does the Body BAD'."
Pastor Wilfredo, Bible Baptist
Church, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Scientist are finally Getting a Clue
An article caught my eye the other day in the Globe and Mail. The American Society of Clinical Oncology released that a lack of the Sunshine vitamin is linked to Breast Cancer. It thought that was quite funny, not the breast cancer of course, but that I just wrote about that in my blog a few days ago. And I'm just a simple whole food eating nutrition nut.
What we really need to understand is that anything natural and organic is the best way to receive the vitamins that we need. THE ONLY Natural way to receive vitamin D is from the sun. So why aren't people getting enough. Because the doctors have been telling us to lather on the sun screen. Not only does that block the sun's UV rays but it also puts harmful chemicals into our body leading to cancerous cells.
So it is good to know that some people in the medical profession are getting a clue. It makes me laugh thought that 20 years of education and research as well as billions of dollars are spent to come up with a realization like this. This is not rocket science here. We need to awaken to what we are doing to our bodies. Cancer doesn't just attack us cause we are "the next in line" or because "my mom or dad had it". WE CAUSE CANCER BY WHAT WE EAT AND PUT INTO OUR BODIES!!!
For the Full Article in the globe and mail, CLICK HERE
Share the message and have a happy healthy day
What we really need to understand is that anything natural and organic is the best way to receive the vitamins that we need. THE ONLY Natural way to receive vitamin D is from the sun. So why aren't people getting enough. Because the doctors have been telling us to lather on the sun screen. Not only does that block the sun's UV rays but it also puts harmful chemicals into our body leading to cancerous cells.
So it is good to know that some people in the medical profession are getting a clue. It makes me laugh thought that 20 years of education and research as well as billions of dollars are spent to come up with a realization like this. This is not rocket science here. We need to awaken to what we are doing to our bodies. Cancer doesn't just attack us cause we are "the next in line" or because "my mom or dad had it". WE CAUSE CANCER BY WHAT WE EAT AND PUT INTO OUR BODIES!!!
For the Full Article in the globe and mail, CLICK HERE
Share the message and have a happy healthy day
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Exciting Health in Victoria BC

My wife and I are now on our last day of a wonderful vacation in Beautiful Victoria, BC. I'm writing about this because we were surprised and excited to discover that Victoria is a very health conscious city. It is a fairly small place but there are a handful of healthy restaurants, stores and cafes. One of our favorites was "The Green Cuisine". It has 100% vegan buffet and food including organic salad bar, burgers, hot food, deserts and even coffee latte alternatives. Very Cool. If you are looking for a great spot to vacation and not have to worry about finding a decent place to eat, Victoria is the place to be.
Have a Happy Healthy Day!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Get a Green Light from Eating Organic
A feel great way to go green is to eat organic foods. They are certified and tested to be safe to the environment and your body.
For more tips on "Going Green" Click Here
For more tips on "Going Green" Click Here
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Your Internet Guide to Eating Out Anywhere in the World
Happy Cow Website Click Here
We use this website all the time. It tells us all the health food stores, vegan/vegetarian friendly resturaunts, and juice bars in all major cities all over the world. Great resource for some amazing finds for the traveler. You may even discover a new gem in your city or town.
We use this website all the time. It tells us all the health food stores, vegan/vegetarian friendly resturaunts, and juice bars in all major cities all over the world. Great resource for some amazing finds for the traveler. You may even discover a new gem in your city or town.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Dateline special on What to Eat
Dateline recently interviewed Michael Pollan. A simple man with a simple plan of how to eat. Check out the video at the following link.Click Here. Laugh and be amazed at these suprising facts.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Hans says Goodbye to a Host of Problems
Hans lives in Lima, New York and had this to share: "Since
adopting The Diet and Lifestyle I have been
healed, thank the Lord, from obesity (have lost 70-pounds);
high cholesterol, boils; anxiety; gluttony; dandruff;
weakness; no longer have difficulty making decisions, have
stopped smoking and am breathing better.
adopting The Diet and Lifestyle I have been
healed, thank the Lord, from obesity (have lost 70-pounds);
high cholesterol, boils; anxiety; gluttony; dandruff;
weakness; no longer have difficulty making decisions, have
stopped smoking and am breathing better.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Recipe for Frozen Banana Smoothie

1 frozen banana for each serving (Be sure to peel bananas before you put them into a container and place in freezer.)
8 oz. organic apple juice per serving
Pour apple juice into a blender and put on the lid. Through the hole in the lid, drop in quartered frozen banana.
To vary flavor, you can add, along with frozen banana, frozen strawberries, or frozen blueberries, or frozen mango, etc.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Oxygen Part III
If oxygen levels to the brain increase so will mental alertness. This can be achieved through exercise or deep breathing. Conversely, if oxygen levels to the brain are decreased, life has little chance of surviving more than a few minutes.
Increasing oxygen to the blood cells helps the body feel more energetic and alive. This is vital to the healthy dancer in regards to performance. If the supply of oxygen is decreased feelings of sluggishness will creep in.
Another importance to the life of a healthy dancer is increased oxygen causes happy and optimistic emotions. Without a decent supply of oxygen the mind could feel discouraged and even depressed.
Pumping up the level of oxygen into our bodies creates and environment when sickness can find no home. Disease cannot survive in a well oxygenated aerobic environment. The above few paragraphs have shown benefits of increasing oxygen levels in the body and this is done through the form of exercise.
Increasing oxygen to the blood cells helps the body feel more energetic and alive. This is vital to the healthy dancer in regards to performance. If the supply of oxygen is decreased feelings of sluggishness will creep in.
Another importance to the life of a healthy dancer is increased oxygen causes happy and optimistic emotions. Without a decent supply of oxygen the mind could feel discouraged and even depressed.
Pumping up the level of oxygen into our bodies creates and environment when sickness can find no home. Disease cannot survive in a well oxygenated aerobic environment. The above few paragraphs have shown benefits of increasing oxygen levels in the body and this is done through the form of exercise.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Smoking and Oxygen in the Body

One way that the supply of oxygen can be cut off is in the presence of a smoke filled room. The lungs will fill with smoke and the body will gasp for air. The body will cry out for fresh air or will quickly perish.
A smoker slowly cuts off the oxygen supply to the body. Gradually the lungs will be coated with tar from the cigarette. Over long periods of time, the lungs will begin to look like the inside of a dirty chimney, full of soot and ash. As the build up continues the amount of air intake into the lungs decreases until the very last breath.
Furthermore, smoking will bring toxic carbon monoxide into the body which is the same gas found in automobile exhaust. After entering the body it mixes with hemoglobin in the blood and restrains the oxygen carrying capacity. The heart will then pump much faster to make up for that restrain, blood vessels are constricted, circulation becomes poor, and much more. It is vital to a healthy dancer that smoking be stopped and life enjoyed.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Importance of Oxygen

From the time a baby enters the world, the first need of it’s precious body is met. Oxygen fills it’s lungs as it breathes it’s first breath. Of course, this continues to be the most important need in life and one of two main topics in this lesson.
All that needs to be done to see the importance of oxygen is to cut off it’s supply for just a few minutes. Life can remain without food for a few weeks, without water for a few days, but only a few minutes without oxygen. The continual process of in taking life and breathing out carbon dioxide fills the trillions of cells with life.
The length of human life depends on the quality of air that is breathed in. Air can determine the level of health that is attained though out life. More facts about how oxygen is vital will be presented shortly but a look at the harmful affects of bad air needs some attention.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Stuffed Cucumbers

Wash thoroughly or peel cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise and carefully remove the seeds. On a plate make a nice bed of greens, place cucumber on top.
Chop the cucumber hearts together with any of the following:
1 - 2 Tablespoons celery, chopped fine
1 - 2 Tablespoons carrot, grated
2 Tablespoons tomato, chopped into small pieces
1 - 2 Tablespoons raw almond butter
Mix in enough nut butter to hold it together and fill the cucumber halves. Note: You may change the "stuffing" by simply adding your favorite veggies or by adding herbs such as 1 Tablespoon minced parsley.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
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