Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Your Health Minister

Hello All,

Thanks for visiting my blog. My name is Dean O. I am a trained Health Minister with Hallelujiah Acres. This means I have devoted my life and my time to studying and sharing information about health. The company has seen amazing results with so called "uncurable diseases" such as diabetes, cancer (all types), weight loss, depression, and even AIDS.. and so much more.

I am so excited about all this stuff. I have been a health minister for 3 years now will be holding a health seminar next week on the cruise ship where I work. I have been an entertainer most of my life and three years ago I came upon a health book that was very good and led me down a path that changed my life. It really affected me and my health and now I want to share this great news with everyone.

I have suffered from allergies. I have allergies to changes of season and dust and pollen. Also milk has been another culpret. Growing up I suffered from athsma as a result of some of these allergies which restricted my lung capacity and enjoyment of sports. I was always interested in health and when this teaching from Hallelujiah Acres came along, it was the only teaching about health that makes sense.

It is not another diet like South Beach , Atkins, or Weight Watchers. It is completely different becuase it way of living and understanding health that is the truth. These other diets all contradict the natual laws of health. Just as we will fall down if we jump off a cliff due to gravitaional pull, we will also get sick if we eat those things we are not supposed to eat. It is really simple.. but it is hard to follow becuase of all the other diets and propaganda in our society.

I want to be the person who helps you attain your fitness goals. All the problems that I had have gone away now. I am healthier and happier than I have ever been before and there are many others who have adopted the teaching in thier lives and have seen amazing results. I will be sharing these with you in my blogs. I devote lots of time to reading and studying health and will share this with you.

I look forward to seeing you here again and hope that you will take control of your health, regain the youthfullness that your self-healing body wants.
Have a Happy Healthy Day.

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